Friday, May 30, 2008

Keeping Yourself Safe

Every Day Safety

Safety is a state of constant awareness of our surroundings and a healthy fear of unpredictable situations. By it's very nature, an emergency is a volatile situation. If everything were truly under control, the terrible situation that we are presented with would not have happened.

Safety is an ongoing concern that must never leave our thoughts.

There is an instinct in all of us to race to the rescue of those in need of assistance and first aid. Regardless of the circumstance of the accident or injury that we witness, it's imperative that we keep our wits about us and Stay Safe.

Accident Prevention

If for example, you see a person hit by a car in a crosswalk; do not rush headlong into the street to help. You will no doubt fin5B4d yourself lying next to them after being struck by the next car speeding down the street, requiring aid yourself.

If you witness an accident or injury, the first thing you must do is to make sure that you are not in immediate danger yourself. You will not be able to render first aid to anyone if you are caught-up in the same dangerous situation that resulted in the first accident.

If you slid into the car ahead of you, don't jump out of your vehicle without making absolutely sure that there is no one behind you. First check your rear view mirror, if there is another vehicle approaching, stay in your car any prepare for possible impact.

Once you are sure that there is no other vehicle approaching, grab your first aid kit and any first aid supplies that you have on hand, leave your car and get well away from the road as quickly as possible. More than one person has been severely injured while standing on the road after an accident. Don't be one of them!

Once you see that the situation has stabilized, you can then return to the scene to render assistance and first aid to those that have been injured.


It is up to each one of us to be totally aware of our own surroundings no matter where we are, and to react to those surroundings accordingly.

We are all guilty of going through the day, lost in our own thoughts and paying little attention to what is happening around us. We must all 428attempt to change these ways, keep our minds in focus and be SAFE.
First Aid Kit Products - Offering quality first aid kits and first aid supplies for your families safety

3 X 6 Leaning Handrail Problem

Barn Renovations and Maintenance

Barn renovations can help to make it more functional and beautiful. This well-used building can give you the perfect place to store things and to take care of your land and home.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tips to Save You Time and Money When Investing

Here is some valuable and time saving real estate investing tips that will benifit you and most people which you may not be aware of . . .

Everyones reason for selling their property is different and the settlement time in which they want (or need) to sell can vary as well.

When a person is selling a property I like to find out what is their level of Motivation to Sell.

What you need to determine is that some vendors are motivated to sell and will look favourably on your offers in order to achieve a quick sale while others have higher and often unrealistic prices that will not be suitable for your investing needs.

What I would suggest is you focus on those who are motivated and spend less time on those who are not. Dont ever take their rejection of your offer personally,

And please dont let fear of rejection stop you from making any offers with any types of vendors.

You will quickly find the motivated vendors by making offers, always include a subject to line included in your the offer. (Subject to Finance, Building inspection, etc)

Always treat the vendor as a businesses partner it is merely a transaction between both parties to achieve a satisfactory outcome.

Be polite and respect them, dont try to burn them. Concentrate on their needs as well. There are always plenty of deals to be had.

If you treat people this way they will be more likely to want to do business with you. Sometimes they will often come back and take another look at your offer if they cant get their asking price.

Remember there is always more than one way to skin a cat. I am an experienced and passionate investor. I buy typical mum and dad type houses that give me cash flow and capital growth. My website offers helpful tips and ideas for any type of investor to help you with your wealth creation. Using my site will help to prevent you falling into the traps the inexperienced investors do.

Quality Composite Decking

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Online Golf and Making Money

Online golf is a skill kind of game where you have to select the right club, set the correct angle, and then apply the right amount of force by using either the mouse or the keyboard, to hit the ball at the target. Whether you're watching or playing, online golf is designed to both play and look as close to reality as possible. Today's graphics continue to get better and better as well as more realistic. Some online games will even replicate the most famous holes and golf courses around the country.

One may not be able to play the Masters, or Pebble Beach in real life, but nothing is keeping people from stepping into a little "fantasy land", and playing hole #5 at the Masters. Soon I would expect online golf to replicate any major course around the country and give users a wide-variety of course options.

Online golf has become more and more popular as broadband users and bandwidth continue to grow. And as broadband users and the interenet continue to grow, more and more online gamers will continue to flock to their computers for a little fun playing virtual golf.

What's even more interesting, and soon to develop, would be online Golf tournaments. will soon be offering tournament style online golf for it's users. Not only will people be able to win money playing these games, but there will soon be to follow, cash prizes and real money winnings in the online golf tournaments.

Just imagine being able to login, and challenge someone from across the world to a little match play golf, and wager an agreed amount, just like in the real world. I can imaging people lining up at 12:00 noon online, just like they do at a lot of local golf courses, and someone taking bets at the first tee.

Hey John, "I'll play you for 5 bucks and give you 3 shots". Comments like these will probably be the norm in the near future of online golf.

In Summary, Online Golf seems to be going straight up in popularity along with several classic game that have gone virtual. has been smart enough to spot this trend and will be offering some interesting online golf capabilities, that surely will gain wide-spread acceptance and grow in popularity.

Tee it Up... and let's play...

Play Kevin Scott Smith in Online Golf

Two Inch Treaded Pipe Handrail

Saving Money, Simply

We all know how to spend our money, but do we fully understand how to save it? I am not talking about setting aside a reserve for an investment or rainy day purposes both of which are good things rather, saving money on everyday items. Here are some simple ways you can save money:

Clip Coupons. You can save on your shopping excursions by clipping coupons. Some stores will even double or triple manufacturers coupons up to a specified amount [typically, one dollar] as an added incentive to bring you in.

Comparison Shop. The worldwide web gives shoppers the opportunity to compare prices and shop right online for almost any product available. Order online if the item is cheaper than ordering in person. Dont forget to take into consideration shipping, handling, and taxes when ordering via the web, however many online retailers offer free shipping and taxes are not always universally assessed.

Energy Efficient Appliances. Your old refrigerator or washer is an energy eater. When you shop for a new unit, check to make sure that the energy rating is high. Do not, however, pay hundreds of dollars more for a product if only a slightly higher energy rating is promised. Learn which models produce the highest possible energy rating for the money.

Get Free Samples. Manufacturers enjoy giving away samples of their products. Sometimes all it takes is a letter or an email to the appropriate department and your freebie will arrive in the mail in the form of merchandise or as a coupon allowing you to purchase the item locally for free.

Shop The Clubs. Warehouse clubs such as BJs, Sams Club, and Costco offer savings that shave 10-30% off of supermarket prices. Many take coupons too!

Sssh! Go To The Library. The big book retailers offer a wide selection of books to their customers. However, you may be able to find that same title at your free public library. If not, ask a librarian if she would order the book for you. A free book is better than the $30 you would have paid for a bestseller, plus latte!

Use it Again; Recycle. Maybe the item you are tossing can be used again. If you definitely have no use for it, sell it at a garage sale [or online via an auction site] and keep the earnings. In any case, you are contributing to a clean environment by not adding to already overcrowded landfills.

There are many other ways for you to save even beyond those that I have mentioned. All it takes is a little bit of imagination and some initiative and you will soon find yourself saving money on in ways you previously did not think of.

Copyright 2005 -- Matthew Keegan is The Article Writer who writes on a variety of topics including: advocacy, automobiles, aviation, business, Christian themes, family, news, product reviews, travel, writing, and more. Samples from his portfolio are available right online.

Home Maintenance

Burj Dubai - World's Tallest Free Standing Structure

Burj Dubai, well-known as the worlds tallest building, developed by the Dubai-based property giant, Emaar Properties, has now surpassed the earlier record of CN Tower in Toronto, Canada as worlds tallest free-standing structure.

Burj Dubai has currently touched a height of 555.3m, with 150 livable levels, which is the largest number of storeys for any building in the world. The tower already holds the credit of being taller than Taipei 101 in Taiwan, which was the tallest building in the world, since its launch in 2004 at 508m.

The Chairman of Emaar Properties, Mohamed Ali Alabbar, said Burj Dubai is in the process of setting new world records in construction of skyscrapers. The accomplishment of being the tallest free-standing structure in the world is another defining moment for the team of over 5000 people, who are collectively using their intelligence towards construction of the iconic structure, which is a symbol of human achievement. This architectural and constructional master-piece is truly an inspirational human achievement that depicts the can do mindset of Dubai.

On completion, Burj Dubai is bound to be the tallest structure in the world based on all 4 criteria listed by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH). The council takes into consideration the measurement of height to the structural top, the highest occupied floor, the top of the roof and till the tip of pinnacle, spire, antenna, and flag pole.

Burj Dubai will be at the center of Downtown Burj Dubai real estate development, a 500-acre downtown development, worth $20 billion, known as the most prestigious square kilometer on earth comprising retail, commercial and residential components.

Dubai Real Estate Blog, UAE's complete website for real estate, homes for sale and freeholds. Search for Dubai property news and trends.

Home Maintenance

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why a Work from Home Job will Always Beat a Regular Job!

It might come as a surprise to some people but it is the absolute truth. There is just nothing which beats working from home. Just to give you a clear example about this statement, I will describe my normal days work routine and then you just compare it to your regular work environment.

I start of the day with a relaxing breakfast with my wife and two year old son, I take a look at the clock and discover that I don't have to hurry to go to work since I only have to walk up the stairs to go to my office, this is at 07:50. Then at 08:00 I go to my office and turn on my old faith full computer since I work from home. There is a good chance that you on the other hand, have already been annoying yourself in traffic on the way to work and probably at this moment are trying to calm down again.

Once my computer is warmed up, I check my e-mails, see if there is anything urgent which I need to deal with straight away and after I have done that I continue planning the rest of the day. Obviously I have a strict set schedule anyway, since that's something very important as your own boss, but there are always things which you want to try out or want to read up on.

Now for me, the best part of the day has arrived, I check out what kind of money I have earned the previous day, and yes, my work from home job has been paying of again, my wages have been going up once more. I bet you wouldn't mind work based from home, where you can completely influence the amount of money you earn.

At 10:00 it is time to drink a coffee with my wife and fool around with my little boy for a while. At 10:20 I start writing two articles which takes me till 11:30. After I have written these articles I submit them to several directories and ezines using a program which does most of the work for me.

Time flies when you enjoy yourself, I lost track of time but luckily my wife reminds me that it is lunch time. After I had lunch with my wife I take the time to bring my son to bed. This I can assure you is one of the most valuable rewards when you have a work from home job like I do, the fact that I can actually see the smile on my boys face during the day instead of perhaps being lucky enough to just see him before he goes to bed.

In the afternoon I build a few more pages to one of my web sites to make more money working at home, perhaps I feel like building a new one, which in a few months time will start bringing in money as well, do some research as where to improve my earning capabilities and in the mean time I double check to see if all my on line home businesses still function properly.

Then at 17:00 I go downstairs, have supper with my little family and play with my son and wife. I certainly shouldn't forget to give my wife the attention she deserves. At 19:00 I am lucky enough to bring my little boy to bed once again.

Now, if you compare your stressful day at work, with colleagues you might not even like, loosing time commuting and probably coming home late, don't you agree that I might just have the best work from home job there is? There are lot's of opportunities out there, just make the choice to invest in yourself. Believe me, it will be worth it.

"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars"

Copyright 2006 Harrold Swalve

Harrold Swalve is a published author and successful online entrepreneur. He owns the Home Business Resource Center To read more off his articles just visit his blog at

Hiring Help
Homeowner Checklists

Pre-School and Kindergarten Kids Help at Home

Increasing evidence suggests that rich stimulation early in life affects the intellectual development of children. Children need as much encouragement as possible to try new tasks. They also need to learn from doing. Only in this way can they come to know about their surroundings and how they will be personally affected by them.

Many adults find themselves intimidated by computers and newer technologies. Those of us who have learned to use computers and other high tech devices know their usefulness and are likely to appreciate them. Kids are no different. Direct experience is always the best teacher. The more firsthand experiences your child has, the more comfortable, secure and confident he will become.

In fact, its never too early to start working on your childs self-image and self-confidence. Small infants sense feelings of security and safety when only weeks old. By 18 months, a child has a strong sense of himself and his place in the family. By the time he is three, his natural curiosity and confidence, combined with maturing social and physical skills, make him a willing and enthusiastic helper in the family.



The third year is a fascinating one in the growth of the child and is personally my very favorite. I have never met a three-year-old I didnt just adore. The three-year-old can do things. He can run, jump, ride a trike and go up and down stairs proficiently. He loves to run errands, and his best reward is a smile from his parents. He pays attention to adults and watches their facial expression for approval or disapproval. He is motivated by stories, games and songs to get a message across. He is very curious and loves to talk and learn.

Task Expectations

Pick up toys

Dress himself

Clear his own plate from the table

Clean the TV screen

Dust with a feather duster

Deliver items from one room to another

Drop extra change into the charity jars at the grocery store

Put clothing away (Cut pictures of clothing and put on 3 x 5 cards. Tape the cards to the corresponding drawers.)



If three is the age of doing, four is the age of finding out. Why and how are two of the words most frequently used by the four-year-old. But he is a doer also. This is the age where a child truly lives in the here and now. So when you say, Lets hurry and clean the house and we can go to the circus tomorrow, you are really pushing his buttons. Yesterday means nothing. Tomorrow is a vague promise. However, he can get very excited about coming events, but because he cannot grasp the meaning of time, he may ask, Is it tomorrow yet? A typical four-year-old offers more enthusiastic help than children of most other ages. Too bad we cant combine the four-year-olds enthusiasm with the skill level of the twelve-year-old.

Task Expectations

Dress and undress himself

Comb his hair

Wash his hands and face

Brush his teeth

Tidy up the bedroom or playroom

Put away the silverware from the dishwasher

Empty the hamper and put dirty clothes in the washroom

Fold the washcloths and towels

Set and clear the table (mark old placemats with felt tip markers with the correct placement of dishes and silverware)

Service projects like sorting outgrown clothing and toys for others



The five-year-old is surer of himself and is generally dependable. He has learned to do what is expected of him in the household. You can usually reason with him, and he will understand why you want something done a certain way. The five-year-old may still have some difficulty using his small muscles, but he can usually print his name and a few other words. He is much more reliable and independent than he was at four and less apt to get distracted on the way to the garbage can. He loves stories, learns best by repetition and loves group projects. The five-year-old is usually friendly, sympathetic, affectionate, and helpful, but when he doesnt get his own way he can become quarrelsome. It is very motivating for him to receive new privileges to show that he is bigger and older.

Task Expectations

Make his own bed (comforters work best)

Clean and trim his fingernail nails

Wipe up spills

Pick up trash in the yard

Spot clean the walls

Shake area rugs

Wipe off furniture, fingerprints from walls, etc.

Feed and water the pets

Know his address and phone number

Dial 911 in an emergency

Service projects like helping pick up trash in the park

Parenting Pre-School & Kindergarteners Help At Home
Judy H. Wright, parent educator, author and international speaker

This article has been prepared for you to share with your family and others. Please reprint it in its entirety and include the authors contact information. For more information about Kids, Chores & More and other methods of teaching responsibility, go to . You may also enjoy tele-classes by the author listed at

Architecture And Design

Autism: Playing the Blame Game

What is the blame game? Well, lets say you go to the doctors office for a check up, go through a few tests and a few days later, you are back in the office, listening to your doctor telling you that you have Diabetes. As you tell your family, the blame game begins. It is not from my side of the family, it must come from your fathers side. That is the blame game!

When my husband and I were first told that our son is affected by the Autism Spectrum Disorder, we were told that it could be cause by our genetic background, environmental factors or that something wrong happened during the development of our son, in my womb. Either way, we were told that we could not blame ourselves as there is nothing that could have been done to prevent it and that blaming each other would not help our son anyway.

Then, our daughter was diagnosed with ASD as well and that it was definitely genetic. Then everything fell apart. Families from both sides started playing the blame game.

It has been two years and a half since our son was first diagnosed and then, while my husband blamed himself because of some childhood habits he had, and my father made me feel guilty saying that I was a teacher, the diagnostic was wrong and that our son acted this way simply because I did not spend enough time playing and talking to him as I was busy going to work. He told me that it was entirely my fault and that while I could help other peoples children I should be able to help my own child first.

Then, we were told that it was cause by our genes, following our daughters diagnosis, all hell broke loose! While my husband was later diagnosed with ADD and blamed himself even more, his aunt was blaming my family as nobody on my husbands side had Autism before.

My mother was reacting the same way as his aunt, blaming his side of the family because of the presence of Alzheimers disease in his family. I was blaming myself as I had been told that the presence of depression on my side may also be responsible for our childrens Autism. My father felt that the diagnostic was wrong as he did not know of anyone on his side of the family to ever have been diagnosed with ASD.

Then as if it was not enough, my son was also diagnosed with Epilepsy. When I fell down the stairs as a toddler, trying to go to my father, I too was diagnosed with Epilepsy but had been freed from it when I was a teenager. I was always scared of transmitting this condition to my children so imagine the blame I put on myself. My father shared that blame, hurting deeply from it.

My mother recently told me that I was odd as a child and that maybe I did have Autism but was never diagnosed. She also confided in me that it took her three years to accept my childrens Autism and daring to visit them. What a blow it was!

One thing that I realized very soon during the process is that blaming each other or each others family is not helping anyone in the long run, especially our children. The mother of one of my students told me once that God gave us children with Autism because he knows that we are the parents that will make a better tomorrow for them. Parents are often tailored to their childrens needs as their love is unconditional.

I always kept these kind words in mind. My husband and I have received the special services needed for our children to grow, learn and use their full potential. They are both very happy children, always full of smiles. Happiness is the most important gift we can give them.

Even if we still feel responsible in some way, we both agreed to focus on our childrens needs and happiness instead of playing the blame game. We need to be there for them 100% and to give ourselves to the fullest to themno matter whom or what may be responsible for their diagnosis.

Instead of playing the blame game why not focus on how you can help your child in any way possible instead? It has a far more positive outcome than blaming each other or yourself.

My name is Sylvie Leochko. I am the mother of two young children affected by the Autism Spectrum Disorder. I you wish to learn more about Autism, I invite you to visit the following sites: and

Handrail Bolted To Brick Wall
Horizontal 1 X 6 Wood Siding

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Decorating Your Home With Tiffany Lamps

Iridescent stained glassbeautiful designsdeep, rich colorsthese are some of the ways to describe the ever popular Tiffany lamps that bring unique beauty into our homes. These lamps have had their very own style through the seventies and are still today considered fashionable by many people. These brightly colored lamps give a room a surprise burst of color in a room when they are placed beside a bed, on a wall, or in a dining room.

Created by Louis Comfort Tiffany, these lamps can be used in any or every room of your home to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Tiffany loved the rich jewel colors of blood red and blues found in the Byzantium mosaics. He was able to find a way of adding the color to his glass (so it was actually in the glass) instead of having to paint it on at the end. He began by using discarded glass pieces from stained glass panels to create unique designs. The Tiffany lampshades were then created by fitting hand cut glass pieces into copper foil enclosures. Since copper is very strong, he was able to design unusual and beautiful shades for his lamps.

Tiffany ceiling lights are excellent for lighting up an entire room. Many sizes and styles of these lamps are available for the bedside table, desks, and buffets. Wall sconces with these unique colors and designs are also available for a different look in an entryway or to decorate a half bath by placing on one either side of the mirror. There are even styles that give ample light above your billiard table and look classy at the same time. Tiffany floor lamps are perfect for those spaces that are smaller, but are in need of a good light source. The chandeliers are beautiful in a formal dining room, but can also look attractive in a simpler dining area with a rustic decor. Wisteria blossoms, lily designs, the sun and moon, dragonflies and peacock feathers are designs often found in Tiffany lamps and can be matched to country dcor or a more elegant home design. During the daylight hours, these pretty lamps serve as an ornamental piece, and then at night it can add warmth and a bit of magic to your home. At night, these lamps can reflect diamond shaped or coin shaped designs against your wall, adding a coziness to the room. Reading by these styles of lamps is wonderful since they have a bright, yet soft, light, which is easier on the eyes. Many Tiffany lamps have stylish bases that are curved like a swans neck or remind you of a flower stem. Simpler lamp bases are often made with a mahogany bronze finish to further compliment the hues of greens, plum violet, merlot, and gold in many of the tiffany lampshades. Wrought iron is another stunning accent to some Tiffany lamps.

These colorful and distinctive lamps can be placed in a kitchen, a recreation room, a dining room, a bedroom, a living room, a finished basement or even a bathroom and each area will appear more inviting. Many people say they like these unique lamps because add a touch of elegance and class to their homes dcor and can match or compliment almost any color in their home.

Decorating your home with Tiffany lamps By Des Small

Two Inch Treaded Pipe Handrail

Color Choices in Metal Roofing

The biggest benefit in applying the metal roofing is that it is completely customizable with your building along with the fact that it can be completely customized with any color of your choice. There is a huge collection of colors available in market to satisfy the matching needs of your building and choice. The most fascinating part is that you can change the color of your metal roof at any time yourself and even the procedure is not so much tricky. You can also mix the colors to form the color of your choice.

Some Benefits of Metal Roofing

The popularity of the metal roofing is increasing in huge numbers due to its numerous benefits like minimum installation expenditures, cheap material, easy installation, long life, complete customization with colors and design and easy maintenance and repair if it is already not covered by the contractors who installed the metal roof.

Some Facts about the Paint in Metal Roofing

Most vendors provide the weather protected paints but still it only lasts a couple of years. This is because of the extreme weather conditions of a particular region. Either it is heat or cold after a few years it causes the paint to loose its color and hence it becomes tempered and peels off because of its direct exposure to this heat or cold of the weather. Hence you should be prepared to repaint your metal roof after a couple of years. When repainting the roof, you should first get the previous paint removed completely in order to get the desired color and hold of the new paint. If new paint is painted on existing paint, it may harm the paint but no harm is inflicted to the roof. Painting can be either done by yourself if you have some basic knowledge of the painting tools and the process, or you can hire professionals to do this job for you.

Some Benefits of Using Paint in Metal Roofing

Along with the sleek look and color, another job paint does is that it protects the metal roof from damage which can be caused by rust and weather, so it is always better and economical to change the paint whenever it is damaged rather than getting the whole roof repaired or replaced. It also renews the look of your home or building whenever you change the color paint of metal roof. So you can try different colors according to your mood and requirements on the roof. Hence it is in all aspects good to have the metal roofs colored due to the fact that they increase the beauty along with the protection of your metal roof.

You can also find more info on install metal and residential metal. is a comprehensive resource to known about metal roofing.

Home Maintenance

Thursday, May 15, 2008

List Building on a Shoestring

If you want to build a large mailing list and you have virtually no marketing budget there are several options available to you. This article explores list building on a shoestring for those who are on a tight budget but still want to grow their list.

1. Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is the process of fine-tuning your web pages and the links to those pages to improve the web pages' relevance and ranking in the organic, crawler-based listings of a search engine, for particular keyword phrase searches.

SEO requires some self-study to understand the techniques involved. It can be time consuming to grasp the various techniques and the results might take weeks or even months before you see them, but in the long term, investing your efforts in obtaining natural - also known as organic - high-ranking placement in the top search engines will pay huge dividends. Especially if you are have a tight marketing budget.

While it is possible to optimize pages for many search engines most webmasters working on SEO concentrate on Google, MSN and Yahoo.

2. The All Important Sign-up Box
You must capitalize on every opportunity to turn your visitors into mailing list subscribers.

Give your sign up form a place of prominence. It should be on the main page of your web site where everyone sees it. In fact, if you can do it, include a small subscription form or button on every single page of your web site.

3. Article Marketing
Article marketing involves writing articles and making them available for webmasters and editors to publish. The greatest exposure usually comes from listing the articles at article directories such as EzineArticles and GoArticles. Any webmaster or editor will then have your permission to publish those articles without paying any fee to you provided that they also publish your 'Author Resource Box' at the end of the article.

Your author's resource box should be a small paragraph or two about you including a direct link to your mailing lists sign up page.

4. Give Away an E-book or Report
A highly effective technique for driving new sign-ups to your mailing list is to give away an e-book or free report. Write a small e-book on a related topic and promote it with your sign-up form. Use a sentence like "Download Your Free Report on Publishing a Newsletter When You Subscribe Today.

5. Ad Swaps
Another free list building technique is to swap ads with newsletters on related topics. After your own list has grown to a reasonable size, owners of other newsletters will be reasonably enthusiastic to swap ads with you. This is a great way of driving highly-targeted traffic to your subscription form.

6. Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is any advertising method that propagates itself. It is built on the concept of a message spreading by 'word of mouth'. The idea with viral marketing is to encourage visitors or readers to pass along your marketing message to other sites or people, creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's visibility and response.

Two examples of viral marketing online are "Tell a Friend" forms, and Viral Ebooks. To make a viral ebook you use special tools to make your ebook rebrandable. This enables your partners to insert their own business name, web site links, or even their own affiliate ID into your ebook. This gives them an additional incentive to pass on copies of it, ultimately helping you to promote your business and grow your traffic.

These are only a few ideas for list building on a shoestring. There are many more list building techniques for building a huge mailing list and some detailed strategies are discussed at

Daniel Moros web site covers much more than list building on a shoestring. Download a free ebook on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' today at

Home Maintenance

Brick Foundation Repair

Everyone with a brick home knows how annoying and unsightly it is to have structural damage on the brick foundation. This type of damage is dangerous to your home, as well as expensive to repair. It is very important to call a professional to fix the damage as soon as you notice any problem. Waiting will cause the damage to spread and get worse. This will increase the cost and the difficulty of repairing the foundation. It is a good thing that foundation damage on brick is easy to spot, just as long as you know what you are looking for.

Signs of Damage

The first step in looking for foundation damage in your brick home is to carefully check where the cracks are forming. Finding this information will determine the cause of the damage, thus allowing you to figure out the proper steps to fix it. If you do not find the cause or do something about it, any repair you do on your foundation will only be a temporary solution. The problem will return if you don't address the root cause of the damage first.

If you only find one brick cracked you may not have to worry too much. This could simply be a sign that the brick itself is defective. However, if multiple bricks are cracked you need to have to consult a professional foundation contractor. This could be the early signs of foundation problems. This is especially true if the crack is long and continuous. This type of crack could be an early sign of movement of the wall.

If you leave this type of damage alone and ignore the early warning signs, the damage will get worse very quickly. If left unchecked, this type of damage will be devastating. It will cost you more to rebuild than to fix the foundation damage.

Foundation Repair provides detailed information on Foundation Repair, Concrete Foundation Repair, Foundation Repair Costs, Foundation Leak Repair and more. Foundation Repair is affiliated with Fine Home Buildings.

2 X 12 Exterior Stair Stringer

Homeowners Clinic June 2006: Dimmer Switches, Shower Installation, Solar Engineering and More

Professional Engineer Norman Becker explains what dimmer switches are best for saving on energy bills, gives guidelines for installing a shower, highlights resouces for using solar energy in your home, tackles the issue of using a sealer with grout and investigates the issues behind a faucet that likes to shut itself off. Plus: Learn more on vacation than the plot to the latest paperback with our guide to "Club-Ed."

The bright red of Coca Cola, the bull head of Chicago Bulls, the big arched "M" of Mac Donalds - dont you recognize them the moment you see? Thats the power of logo. Whether you're in a competitive industry or not, whether your business is small or big it doesn't matter! The fact is that your customers remember your business when they see your logo, regardless of how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise. A good logo makes not just a first impression, but a lasting one as well.

The symbol, the color, the font, the text, the size, the precision etc all count towards bringing the attention of your potential customers towards your company, and creating your companys image and finally its brand. Get a custom logo for your business that best reflects your company's spirit! It is very essential to choose what type of logo suits your company's business. Most of the large international companies have pretty simple logos because research says not to overload the consumers with too much information. And yes a lot of research goes into creating these simple logos. Each of these logos has its own specific font and size, and exclusive color combinations that make them unique. Every single symbol and icon used together with the logo has a significant meaning.

But there are a few important things that should be kept in mind while selecting or making a logo for your company to create that recognition in the market. You have to create a unique and special icon together with your logo including your website or company name in that. A logo should have a peaceful combination of colors and not more than two or three colors should be used at a time. If you are hiring a logo design company then it is better to get it done by a professional logo design company with loads of experience. Before you take the final decision of launching your company logo you should test it once in a trusted circle. And last but not the least is to have a striking tagline to accompany the logo. The resultant logo should convey the right message to the people. You got to have an idea for the vision you want to create in the people's mind. The key to the success of a company's identity depends to what extent you can give your logo the recognizable look.

The graphics of your logo should be communicated purely in visual terms, to the right brain hemisphere of your customers. It should not depend on verbal or intellectual interpretation. If it is a word mark, it should be recognized by its form alone. For example, you don't have to "read" Adidas's logo more than once, to recognize the famous brand. The three parallel stripes mark became the worldwide Adidas corporate logo - a name that stands for competence in all sectors of sports throughout the globe. Think of the future and avoid being too trendy. A good logo will last your company 15 years and give your customers a chance to burn the image into their brains. Even with these tips, it's important for a company to get outside help unless it has in-house designers who have experience with logos as well as the time to devote to the project.

Logo designs form the energy, the feeling and the passion of a business. It's what makes us care. It is more than research and strategy. Good design is exciting - it shouts- it demands that you remember it.

Jennifer is an expert Internet marketing professional with years of experience in various industries such as: Business, Finance, Logo designs Real Estate, Web-Design, Health & Medicine and many more.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Best Choice in Cross Necklaces

The cross necklace has been a staple of jewelry for hundreds of years. That being said, today there are many choices when it comes to this necklace, but what is the best?

Stainless steel has become a very popular metal in the jewelry industry. Once relegated to kitchen sinks and other industrial uses, this versatile metal has found its way out of the plumbing and into necklaces, bracelets and rings. Stainless steel, particularly surgical stainless steel, is also used extensively in the body jewelry field, with most new piercings being done with this material. Stainless steel can also be found in more unique pieces of jewelry, such as in a solid stainless steel cross necklace.

The type of stainless steel most often used in the jewelry industry is known as 316L Stainless Steel. This is also known as surgical stainless steel, although the number relates to the pliability of the steel and not the surgical status. The thickness and hardness of this stainless steel is just soft enough to allow shaping and creation of jewelry pieces but hard enough to withstand wear and use. The color of this steel is deeper than the silver of sterling silver, and it is often seen with a matte finish which accentuates the darker color.

Almost any item that could be crafted out of silver or gold can be crafted out of stainless steel. This makes it very popular for jewelers who are looking for a new and inexpensive medium for their designs. Stainless steel is much less expensive to purchase and work with than either sterling silver or gold, and it is also less expensive to purchase the final product. This allows younger shoppers, and those with a limited budget, to be able to purchase more different pieces.

Many wearers of steel pieces, such as a solid stainless steel cross necklace, are men. Especially where religious jewelry is concerned, some men may feel that traditional styles are too feminine or too flashy for their tastes. Stainless steel looks good in bigger, thicker styles such as Gothic and tribal styles, and these are also the types of jewelry that appeal to men. The heavy weight and sturdiness of this metal is also a big draw to those who work in certain environments. Crosses made in these styles are less traditional while still proclaiming a Christian faith.

Stainless steel jewelry, along with titanium jewelry and other new jewelry metals, is gaining popularity for its unique look and less expensive cost. A solid stainless steel cross necklace is a great way to show off this new metal and new look, a different twist on an old favorite.

Find more information about necklace jewelry at

Home Maintenance

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Experiential Gift Giving - Give An Unforgettable Life Experience

As a world traveler for me experiential gift giving is the greatest of gifts! Invest in yourself and others experiences because at the end of our lives that is all we truly have.

My grandparents have helped me travel across the globe and launch a worldwide speaking career which began in third-world and impoverished nations where I comforted and uplifted the hurting. Some unforgettable trips were visiting genocide victims in Rwanda and helping a Muslim young man rebuild his house at the tsunami epicenter in Indonesia.

When my younger brother was struggling with substance abuse and going through a funk, I "kidnapped him" as I jokingly say and took him with me to Europe for his birthday and Christmas gift. It changed his life, enlarged his perspective, strengthened his self-esteem, and made him become more resourceful. After I helped get him a job teaching English in Honduras, I flew down to Costa Rica and helped get him a job there. Today he happily lives in the tropical paradise of Costa Rica and is surfing some of the best waves in the world!

My videographer experienced his first massage when I took him to Indonesia, where we island hopped and enjoyed many fantastic spas!

Other options are to pay for someone's international language immersion program, send a family member to cooking school, finance your son's sports camp, or your daughter's dream to learn to dance.

Horseback riding is a favorite among young ladies. Sailing or surfing would be fun for adventurous guys. Go hiking or mountain climbing! Take up snow skiing. Leave the comfort zone and journey into a foreign country and culture to learn something about other people.

The ideas are endless, but the experiences priceless.

Paul Davis is a highly sought after professional speaker, life purpose coach, worldwide minister, and change master.

Paul is the author of several books including United States of Arrogance, Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul's organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams, breaking limitations & reviving nations.

Paul inspires, revives, awakens, impregnates with purpose, imparts the fire of desire, catapults people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitates destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching:

Two Inch Treaded Pipe Handrail

Saving Money, Simply

We all know how to spend our money, but do we fully understand how to save it? I am not talking about setting aside a reserve for an investment or rainy day purposes both of which are good things rather, saving money on everyday items. Here are some simple ways you can save money:

Clip Coupons. You can save on your shopping excursions by clipping coupons. Some stores will even double or triple manufacturers coupons up to a specified amount [typically, one dollar] as an added incentive to bring you in.

Comparison Shop. The worldwide web gives shoppers the opportunity to compare prices and shop right online for almost any product available. Order online if the item is cheaper than ordering in person. Dont forget to take into consideration shipping, handling, and taxes when ordering via the web, however many online retailers offer free shipping and taxes are not always universally assessed.

Energy Efficient Appliances. Your old refrigerator or washer is an energy eater. When you shop for a new unit, check to make sure that the energy rating is high. Do not, however, pay hundreds of dollars more for a product if only a slightly higher energy rating is promised. Learn which models produce the highest possible energy rating for the money.

Get Free Samples. Manufacturers enjoy giving away samples of their products. Sometimes all it takes is a letter or an email to the appropriate department and your freebie will arrive in the mail in the form of merchandise or as a coupon allowing you to purchase the item locally for free.

Shop The Clubs. Warehouse clubs such as BJs, Sams Club, and Costco offer savings that shave 10-30% off of supermarket prices. Many take coupons too!

Sssh! Go To The Library. The big book retailers offer a wide selection of books to their customers. However, you may be able to find that same title at your free public library. If not, ask a librarian if she would order the book for you. A free book is better than the $30 you would have paid for a bestseller, plus latte!

Use it Again; Recycle. Maybe the item you are tossing can be used again. If you definitely have no use for it, sell it at a garage sale [or online via an auction site] and keep the earnings. In any case, you are contributing to a clean environment by not adding to already overcrowded landfills.

There are many other ways for you to save even beyond those that I have mentioned. All it takes is a little bit of imagination and some initiative and you will soon find yourself saving money on in ways you previously did not think of.

Copyright 2005 -- Matthew Keegan is The Article Writer who writes on a variety of topics including: advocacy, automobiles, aviation, business, Christian themes, family, news, product reviews, travel, writing, and more. Samples from his portfolio are available right online.

Home Maintenance

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Give One-Of-a-Kind Gifts With Custom Wood Pens

Giving gifts to people we love such as family members, relatives and friends is one traditional that will for sure never die down. After all, who does not want to give tokens and receive some in return? Giving gifts is a way to express appreciation and affection. Hence, whatever occasions there may be, planning to give gifts to someone we like, love, appreciate and feel gratitude towards is almost always part of the plan.

It is never easy to think about what to get your loved ones for their birthdays, or special occasions. This is something no one can deny. Gifts create impressions and could reflect the heart of the giver. The giver always wants the person he regards as important to receive something which will be appreciated forever but at the same which will be considered useful. In this case, why not try giving them special, custom wood pens?

Pens are really very functional and nifty. People carry them anywhere as they know that there will be moments when they would probably need to jot something down. Ordinary ones will not be suitable for gift giving but there are pens made from exotic materials which will serve both as a writing implement and something to treasure for the rest of their lives.

There are pens such as hand-turned wooden fountain pens and handcrafted wood fountain pens that can be passed down from one generation to the next. These are usually made of fine, top quality materials one would value for years. You can have your name and the recipient's name engraved on them to make them appear more personal. Custom wood ones speak of value and personalization and they are very much long lasting. They can serve as good gift items for the people we love.

You may go for exotic wood pens as they make a good impression to anybody no matter what the occasion may be. You can get beautifully crafted, especially these made to your liking from Lanier Handcrafted Pens.

Handmade wood pens engraved with your loved one's name will give a special touch to your gift for special occasions. Lanier has creative and artistic laser engravers who make beautiful ones that are works of art in their own right. Alternatively, you can also get a matching laser engraved gift box that matches the elegance and craftsmanship of the pens. These are also perfect gifts for company guests during seminars or product launching events. Have your company logo engraved by Lanier's master engravers exactly the way it looks in your company banners.

Each individual pen from Lanier deserves to be called an achievement in itself. Thus, they make a great "motivational gift" for hard working colleagues. Express your care and gratitude for a job well done by giving your colleagues or employees personalized gift items - not just ones you can pick from gift shops or shopping malls. Know your employee's favorite color or favorite proverb and have his or her gift of appreciation especially made at Lanier's. He or she would most definitely love to receive personal handcrafted wooded pens.

Businesses do not want to loose valuable clients. Business people should love and appreciate the people who work with them whether they are superiors, colleagues, coworkers or clients. Ergo, why not give your bosses thoughtful gifts during special company occasions? Make them feel proud to own tasteful masterpieces by giving them specially made, handcrafted wood fountain pens from Lanier.

Meanwhile, if you're running a book club, nothing can be more fitting as a giveaway after a special book club event than an exotic wood pen. Handcrafted wooden pens also make thoughtful giveaways after special gatherings. With virtually endless possibilities, they are truly ideal and one-of-a-kind. They can brighten up a person's day, strengthen a business relationship and even remind a friend that you are but a call away.

Custom wood pens speak of value and personalization and they are very much long lasting. They came with pen gift boxes as good gift items for the people we love.


Bamboo Wood Flooring - An Excellent Choice For Your Home

If you are considered wood flooring options for your home, dont forget to consider bamboo wood flooring. If you havent thought of bamboo wood flooring as an option for your home, its time to find out what you have been missing.

You can choose bamboo wood flooring that is made from bamboo plantations and not from the wild. You can be sure you are doing the environment a favor when you choose bamboo wood flooring that is farmed that way. Bamboo wood flooring can only be harvested once every four to six years after they have been planted. You can feel good knowing you are using a renewable resource that wont harm the environment when you choose bamboo wood flooring to install in your home.

Bamboo wood flooring is an ideal choice because it has low moisture absorption. For those who have been hesitant about installing a wood floor in their home because of humid weather conditions, bamboo wood flooring is an option you can safely consider. For climates that may pose challenges due to humidity, bamboo wood flooring is definitely something you may want to consider.

You can choose from solid bamboo wood flooring. This is made completely of bamboo. You can nail bamboo planks to a plywood surface or glue it to a concrete subfloor. You may prefer engineered bamboo wood flooring instead. This flooring option has a bamboo layer that you can sand on top of backing that is made of other wood species. You can either nail to plywood or simply glue to a floated subfloor or concrete.

You can go shopping for bamboo wood flooring in any flooring showroom, or you can explore your options at your local area home improvement store. You can see what is offered, what it looks and feels like and get a feel for the price and how easy it is to install.

You can find a host of options when you shop for bamboo wood flooring on the internet. There are many manufacturers that are proud to offer their customers quality bamboo wood flooring for any room of their home.

For more information about Bamboo Wood Flooring?, feel free to visit us at:

Home Remodeiling Ideas

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Remodeling Porches

Fixing up a porch is a great idea that will extend the use of your home considerably. Using just some paint, stain and basic carpentry skills, you can make your porch a pleasure to spend time on.

An example shown on shows a couple from Georgia who wanted enjoy their extended warm seasons of spring, summer and fall, but avoid the problems of mosquitoes and decided to take their slab concrete patio and make it into a screened in area they could enjoy almost all year long.

The patio was just concrete square under a roof overhang. They wanted the porch to blend in with the home, as well as protect the family from the heat, humidity and insects of the Georgia summers. The concrete slab declined slightly to allow for runoff, so there had to be some adjustments made to accommodate this feature.

Here is their step by step solution:

Step One. Cut pre-primed 4X8 sheets of beadboard ceiling paneling.

Step Two. Install the celing paneling and the ceiling fan. They used a nail gun to make the installation of the ceiling panels faster and easier than trying to swing a hammer upward. Before all of the panelling was installed, the ceiling was wired for the fan and light. This will allow the porch to remain cool and the light will allow the room to be used at night. This was a two person job, with one person holding the fan and the other connecting the wires and screwing the fan in place. The finish trim hid the seams in the paneling.

Step Three. Frame out the porch. Using 2X4 boards, they spaced them to allow for standard width screen to be installed. The crosspieces were nailed directly through the vertical braces.

Step Four. Install the interior panelling. Pine and plywood bead board paneling was secured by staple gun. These had to be trimmed along the bottom to accommodate the uneven floor.

Step Five. Install and level the exterior paneling. The harbor ad exterior panels wear put into place, from the bottom up. The first one had to be custom cut to allow for the uneven ground line and then the rest followed. These panels were painted to match the existing exterior of the house, so there was a lot of trial and error to match the aged yellow paint exactly. But weather resistant exterior paint was used so that it can be easily kept clean by rinsing Wit soap and water.

Step Six. Do the screening. Vinyl grids had to be screwed directly into the wooden frames. Then the screens were attached to the channels in the grids, so the fiberglass or aluminum screens could be slid in without using staples. When the screens were rolled into the grids with a spline, the extra screening material was cut off. With a mallet, the caps over the vinyl channels were banged into place.

Being really passionate about tree trimming and saw sharpening, Ray Walberg wrote plenty of detailed articles in this specific field. Sharing his passion in detailed publications, the author improved his experience on topics like chain saws and saw sharpening.

Metal Shingles

Metal shingles were previously seen as roofing material for low-slope houses. Over the years, they have been found out to be a significant roofing alternative for steep-sloped roofs as well.

Metal shingles are usually meant to look like traditional asphalt shingles, wood shakes, or tiles, but metal shingles come with a greater guarantee to ward off rough weather. Many consider these shingles to be the strongest roofing material available. Contrary to popular belief, modern technology has made metal shingles very light, and they are a feast for the eyes, and also have very high fire-resistant ratings.

These classic shingles give a building a timeless look and often come with permanent color warranties. They can be made out of a wide variety of metals like aluminum, copper, stainless steel, zinc and phosphate coating, and alloys of tin and zinc. The different metals can be suitably chosen by the prospective buyer according to his geographical location and climate.

There are other minor details that a buyer should keep in mind. Stainless steel shingles are said to weigh less than most other traditional roofing material. Metal shingles made with alloys of zinc and aluminum should ideally not be painted. Tin roofs should be painted at an interval of eight years. Zinc and tin alloys are perfect for rough coastal weather. These are the various issues that should be considered before making one's choice.

There are a number of benefits that the owner can enjoy once he chooses metal shingles as his primary roofing material. They come with excellent resistance guarantee to strong wind, fires, hail and storms, earthquakes, and other such natural calamities. They are also well protected from pests and are extremely anti-corrosive. Most manufacturers offer a fifty-year warranty on their metal shingles.

Metal shingles are mostly recycled and statistics show that they are, in most cases, 100% recyclable. Installation is also relatively simple, but consulting a roofing professional would probably be considered a smart idea.

Shingles provides detailed information about shingles, cedar shingles, fiberglass shingles and more. Shingles is affiliated with Home Foundation Repair.

Remodeling Your House Ideas

Monday, May 5, 2008

How Using The Right Ladder Can Make Those Jobs Easier

Ladders come in a variety of styles and heights, and it's important to choose one that meets the needs of the task you're performing. Safety should always come first when using a ladder, so it's necessary to make sure you use the right ladder for the job. For instance, an extension ladder is suitable for reaching those high spots when decorating or cutting tree branches. But trying to reach up too high on a step ladder can be hazardous and lead to accidents. On the other hand, step ladders are ideal for those odd jobs round the house, from changing a light bulb to hanging curtains.

Extension ladders are used for all kinds of outside jobs, from professional window cleaning to painting gable ends of buildings. Aluminum ladders are commonly used, being lightweight and easily portable. However, a fiberglass ladder, although much heavier to move, is safer to use in the vicinity of electrical cables. Well-known manufacturers that sell a range of quality ladders include Werner Ladders and Wing Enterprises.

Inside the home, ladders come in handy in a number of situations. For instance, if you have high book shelves, fitting a rolling library ladder makes it quick and easy for you to reach those top shelves. Library ladders are generally made from wood, and come in a choice of colors and finishes to blend in with your dcor. Another place where a fitted ladder comes in useful is in a loft hatch. An attic access ladder makes it simple for you to utilize that extra storage space in the roof.

Whatever your requirements, from doing DIY in the home or garden, to reaching high shelves, there's a ladder to meet your needs. Choosing the right ladder for the job can help make your task much simpler.

Caroline Smith is a regular contributor to - an online resource offering a range of ladders including attic ladders, the Little Giant Ladder and more.

Home Mold Test Kits

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Small Bathroom Design Simplified

You will find that majority of the modern homes have a limited bathroom space. Homeowners in such a scenario usually accommodate within that limited space, as they do not have any other option. Thus, it is a fact that the small bathroom designs, which make the best use of the space that is available, are now most in demand by the homeowners.

The following guidelines on small bathroom designs are conveniently applicable in case you are designing a bathroom for your new apartment or renovating your old bathroom.

- The small bathrooms look best with the small and deep bathtubs.

- The wall-mounted or pedestal sinks, basins and the small sized baths are simply made for each other, as they hardly occupy much floor space.

- In case, you prefer a shower stall, it is best to use clear shower screens for the enclosure. The best part of this is you will be able to save enough space and make way for enough light, which is unlike the framed opaque shower walls.

- You can have recessed and floating cabinets in your bathroom; this should make ample space.

- The small bathroom designs usually come with enough storage space for you to be able to stash away lots of clutter. Therefore, ensure that your bathroom has enough storage shelves and cabinets.

- Place the windows near the ceiling; this way, there will be enough wall space for you to include some storage cabinets beneath it.

- You would be clever enough to position the toilet in an alcove, by making use of the wall-space above for fix opening the shelves.

- When it comes to doors, most of the people are going for the sliding doors, which can be easily slid into the in-wall cavities. If you are opting for the hinged door, you can get the towel-rack installed on the door itself.

The homeowners need to abide by certain design - as well as dimension-parameters when planning the small bathroom designs, which depend on the area/zone. You can also try out a few optical illusion tricks for creating a space illusion.

Making use of light and mirrors

When you want the space inside your bathroom to look large, you can take the help of lights and mirrors. Try to make use of natural lights, which would surely make your bathroom look more bright and large, generating a sense of comfy. You can also try adding skylights and windows. This is indeed a great idea. However, when thinking to make use of electric lighting, you can arrange for the source of the light just below where the shelves have been installed.

When you place a mirror inside the bathroom, it helps in proper distribution of light and this seems to extend the overall dimension of the space. Such a strategy makes your small bathroom look effectively illuminated and it gives way to visual expansiveness.

Make use of tricky designs

Introduce vertical lines on the upper edges of the walls of your bathroom. This helps in creating height illusion. You can also have tiles installed on the walls of your bathroom and edge the top lining with designed border tiles to make things look more magical and impressive.

This is the way you should make use of the floor area of your bathroom and the type of tiles you choose to use for your bathroom should well compliment all sorts of small bathroom designs. No matter what you are going for - floor tiles or wall tiles they should be having identical shapes and light colored shades.

Making use of color to create illusions

Color is the best way of creating space illusions. Choose softer, lighter tones like pastel shades, neutrals or whites - these colors are sure to make your bathroom look as if having enough space and dimension.  Such colors also help in proper light distribution. Again, if you are planning to cover the walls of your bathroom with wallpapers then make sure to select plain and simple designs.

Read our Home Improvement newsletter with new fresh articles every week, Kitchen, Basement, Bathroom improvements and many other subjects at Do It Yourself Tips

Home Remodeling Ideas

Discover How Installing Laminate Flooring Can Fight Family Allergies And Asthma

Discover how installing laminate flooring may offer relief if you are exasperated by blocked and runny noses, teary eyes and wheezing chests at home. This simple home remodeling project may be the solution if your kids suffer from chronic allergies or asthma. Off-gassed ranges have been labeled as highly effective hypoallergenic floor coverings. At the same time, installing laminate flooring offers low-maintenance upkeep, cutting down on cleaning chores.

While carpeting is seen as a warm, stylish and feet-hugging, the comfort often disguises the price your family may be paying health-wise. No matter how vigilant you are when it comes to cleaning, carpets become dust-traps and allergen-gatherers over time. While perhaps not a subject to discuss over tea, it is a fact that from dust mites, to animal dander, molds, fungi, bacteria and other irritating pollutants quietly thrive in the fibers of carpeting. There is also the possibility that some carpeting ranges may contain toxic chemicals aimed at reducing the dust mite population.

Installing laminate flooring has become one of the notable growth areas in the home improvement industry. This is happening with good reason. Not only does this offer a unique do-it-yourself opportunity, but it is also affordable and comes in a wealth of styles, shades and finishes. It can be right at home in any decor plan. The wood-grain patterns have become so authentic that they simulate real wood almost perfectly. In addition, stone tiling can now be emulated without the expense or grout messes.

The surface of a laminate floor is hard and smooth, with tight joints. This leaves very little room for dust particles to get trapped. Everything can be swept or vacuumed away in a fashion that is just not possible on a carpet. Provided that the installation procedure has been proper, a quality underlayment will ensure that the surface remains dry and that molds are therefore minimized as far as possible.

Allergies are the bane of modern living. Virtually every family has someone who is severely affected in this regard. The ailment leads to high medical costs and personal discomfort. Luckily laminates are extremely inhospitable when it comes to the allergens found in every home.

Installing laminate flooring usually creates a floating surface over the existing sub-floor. These days the tongue and groove planks are simply clicked together to form tightly locked joints. This is an extremely gratifying and fast-paced installation process. There is none of the sanding, staining or coating that comes with a real hardwood floor. The surface is immediately usable.

One aspect you need to consider seriously before deciding on installing laminate flooring, is the use of formaldehyde adhesives in some ranges. This substance may release toxic fumes for a long period after installation. Other VOC's (volatile organic compounds) may also be present. These properties may aggravate allergies or asthma, rather than offer relief. Although the levels are usually fairly low and presumed to be safe, it may still present a problem if you have allergies. The advantage is that these ranges usually don't come with all sorts of nasty solvents, chemicals or preservatives that are likely to have an adverse effect on an allergy sufferer.

One way to sidestep the toxicity issues, is to make sure that you buy a floor covering that doesn't utilize formaldehyde glue or binders and that has been off-gassed in the factory. Both cork and bamboo flooring can be treated in a similar way and offer the benefit of being kind to allergy prone kids. Vinyl flooring isn't seen as an eco-friendly choice. Enquire about the options with the lowest emmission levels possible. Use water-based adhesives or sealers where necessary.

In the end even carpeting isn't free from these emmissions. The polypropylene mesh used for backings may also have high VOC emmissions. So does latex bonding agents used in some ranges. The treatments that make carpeting stain and fire resistant can also be a source of fumes.

So, as long as you can solve the off-gass headache, installing laminate flooring may make a vast difference when it comes to the health of your kids an other loved ones. - where you can grab your free copy of the Ultimate Laminate Flooring Buyer's Guide ebook. The author, Rika Susan also offers more info on flooring, awnings, blinds and other home remodeling issues in Armstrong SwiftLock Laminate Flooring Installation Creates Carefree Maintenance and many other articles at Copyright of this article: 2007 Rika Susan. This article may be reprinted if the resource box and hyperlinks are left intact.

How To Prevent Termite Damage
Subtracting Stair Tread Thicknes

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Famous Skyscrapers

Architectural design has advanced to a phenomenal stage where every modern city would like to boast having one of the tallest buildings. While criteria defining the tallest buildings or skyscrapers differ widely, listed below are the ten most popular architectural marvels of our time.

Empire State Building
A world famous New York City landmark and sky scaper, it rises above the island of Manhattan, about a quarter of a mile into the sky. The observatory is located on the 86th floor, 1050 feet above the ground and offers the most breathtaking and panoramic view of Manhattan and beyond from within a glass enclosed pavilion. Besides the observatory there are several tourist attractions, including, restaurants, shops and banks. It also has a New York SKYRIDE an independently owned and operated simulated helicopter ride and virtual-reality movie theatre. William Lamb, an architect at Shreve, Lamb and Harmon was chosen to design the Empire State Building in 1930

Petronas Towers
Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lampur lay claim to being the tallest twin towers of the 20th century, standing at a height of 1483 feet. They were designed by architect Cesar Pelli and completed in 1998. The 88-floor towers are constructed largely of reinforced concrete, with a steel and glass facade designed to resemble motifs found in Islamic art, a reflection of Malaysia's Muslim religion. The towers feature a sky-bridge between the towers on the 41st and 42nd floors which is 170m high and 58m long.

Sears Tower
Architect Bruce Graham designed the Sears Tower of Chicago in 1974. At 1450 feet, and 110 stories, it is the tallest building in the United States of America. The construction system consists of steel fram with bronze tinted glass curtain wall. The Sears Tower Skydeck observation deck and tourist attraction is on the 103rd floor, 1353 feet above the ground.

Bank of China Tower
Located in Honk Kong, in addition to being one of the famous skyscrapers in the world, it is one of the most outstanding achievements of modern architecture. The construction was started in 1985 and completed in five years by the architects I. M. Pei & Partners and Sherman Kung & Associates. The building standing at 1205 feet, is a grouping of four triangular glass and aluminium towers of different heights, all emerging from a single granite podium. The changes rising from a square base to a single spire results in a magnificent faade of angles and profiles that reflect the light and seem almost crystalline in composition. On the 42nd floor is a sky-deck providing a panoramic view of the northwest Hong Kong.

Chrysler Building
Rising at 1046 feet, it was considered to be an engineering marvel and the tallest building in 1931. However, it still remains the tallest brick building in the world. The tower is a beautifully tapered stainless steel crown supporting the famous spire at its peak. A quintessence of skyscraper design, the Chrysler Building is a perfect example of Art Deco and has a lobby clad in different marble, onyx and amber.

Taipei 101
At a height of 1671 feet, this high-rise building has surpassed all to become the tallest skyscraper today. Taipei 101 holds the world record in three of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat's height categories: tallest to the structural top, tallest to the roof, and highest occupied floor. The 89th floor has an indoor observation area while the 91st floor has an outdoor observation deck, known as the highest in the world. The pagoda shaped design of this building is inspired by traditional Chinese architecture. The sectioned tower is also symbolic of the bamboo plant characterizing strength, resilience and elegance. The towers design specifications are based on the number 8, considered lucky in the Chinese culture.

Jin Mao Building
This building in Shanghai symbolizes the progress and advancement made by the Chinese. It boasts of being the first tallest sky scrape in the country and the third tallest in the world. A great blend of East-West architecture it denotes aptly the emergence of Shanghai as a modern global city. It follows the versatility model by offering retail at it base, offices above and the Grand Hyatts Worlds highest Hotel occupying the upper 38 floors. The magnificently designed building combines the elements of traditional Chinese architecture and a vastly Gothic influence.

Burj Al Arab
The Burj Al Arab rises to a level of 1053 feet, and is known as one of the worlds tallest structure with a membrane faade, 24-meter wide helipad. This is the tallest operating hotel building in the world and the design is influenced by the profile of an Arabian sailing ship. The Al Muntaha restaurant is located 200 meters above the Persian Gulf offering a panoramic view of Dubai while the atrium is situated at a height of 180 meters.

CN Tower
At a height of 1815 feet, the CN Tower in Toronto is the tallest building and freestanding structure in the world. It is considered to be the signature icon of the city and hosts almost two million visitors a year. The view from the exterior glass floored observation deck located 342 meters above ground is breathtaking as it is exciting. It also has the Space Deck at 447 meters, the worlds tallest observation deck with a 160 km view and the revolving 360 Degree Restaurant.

Hancock Place
A reflective obelisk sky scrape at Boston is an architectural marvel. It is regarded as icily magnificent wherein the surface changes as the day changes, each side reflecting the color of the sky it faces. Moreover, this dramatic effect is highlighted by the parallelogram shape of the prism, which provides uniquely differing reflections on adjoining surfaces.

The architectural buildings mentioned above are famous creations and literally considered architectural works of art today.

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