Monday, June 30, 2008

Keep Your Home Insured Against Flood Damage

The lazy days of summer are upon us. So pass the sweetened sun-brewed iced tea with the mini cocktail umbrella and light up a few tiki torches. But don't doze off in that hammock just yet. Along with summer comes the increased chance of severe summer weather. As hurricane season swiftly approaches, homeowners are encouraged to prepare for worst case scenarios.

Eight days shy of hurricane season, time is quickly ticking for consumers to take action against financial ruin in the event of catastrophe. With an increased amount of hurricanes anticipated this season, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration urges folks to prepare for the worst. The NOAA reports that approximately 13-17 storms will be named and seven to 10 will likely become hurricanes.

So what do you need to do to prepare? Don't run to the home improvement store just yet. Plywood and duct tape won't prevent or fix damage from a hurricane. Because hurricanes bring torrential rains and cause extensive flood damage, you need to be sure you've purchased flood insurance.

"But doesn't my homeow16B2ner's insurance take care of flooding? I thought homeowner's insurance was supposed to cover things like this?"

While it seems logical that homeowner's insurance would cover flooding, it does not. With FEMA reporting flooding as America's #1 natural disaster, it makes sense to look into purchasing flood insurance.

You have several options when it comes to purchasing flood coverage. The National Flood Insurance Program offers two federal programs. The main stipulation for these programs is that your community must enroll and be an NFIP participant. This flood insurance can be purchased directly from the NFIP or from some insurance agents.

"But do I have to buy flood insurance when there is a national disaster program that will assist me?"

Because both programs provide coverage for flood damage, you don't HAVE to purchase flood insurance. Like many government programs, however, national disaster assistance requires much more paperwork and waiting than flood insurance does.

In addition, flood insurance does not have to be re-paid. Most disaster assistance comes in the form of a loan, so it has to be re-paid over a set amount of time. Disaster assistance is only guaranteed when the president puts it into effect - and even then you have to wait for reimbursement.

In short, keep in mind that FLOOD INSURANCE IS NOT INCLUDED in your homeowner's insurance policy. If you need to apply for flood insurance, start preparing ASAP. Unless you just built your house, there is a 30-day waiting period between when you apply for the insurance and the date it goes into effect. With a little more than a week before hurricane season and 30 days for your policy to take effect, don't let time slip away with the lazy days of summer unless you're insured for flood damage.

Publishing Guidelines: This article may be published with permission by sending a request to

HometownQuotes, a Franklin, Tennessee company, provides a quick and easy way for consumers to compare multiple insurance quotes. To learn more, visit View additional insurance articles at Hometown Quotes!

Right Cabin Stain for Them

When most people go out and begin the shopping process for a log home, the log cabin stain that they choose isn't usually at the top of their list of priorities. But a new software program from one of the leading log cabin stain manufacturers is helping people realize the importance of picking the right stain for their home. WeatherAll, one of the largest log cabin stain makers in North America, have developed a program called the WeatherAll Color Viewer that adapts itself to the various log cabin homes sold by a manufacturer and then allows browsing customers to view all those homes with a multitude of stains.

Not only is WeatherAll hoping that this new software helps sell more of their top flight stain, but they also hope that it helps to raise awareness among home shoppers about the importance of choosing the right stain. Certain log cabin stains don't have much needed UV protection from the sun, and customers need to know this information before they commit to the stain they like. With the WeatherAll software, customers can easily see the log home of their dreams in dozens of different stains with just a click of a button. It has opened many eyes in the log home industry by highlighting the fact that many shoppers are more concerned about square footage, floor plans and price than what stain they choose, but as any owner can tell you, your stain makes or breaks your home.

Log cabin stain not only determines the final color of your beautiful new log cabin, but it also helps to protect your home from bugs, sun, wear and tear and other pests. Many owners realize that choose the right stain is one of the most important decisions they will make concerning their home, and with the new WeatherAll Color Viewer software, more and more home owners will have the chance to see virtual depictions of what their home would look like with a myriad of stains before it is even built.

While the long term impact of the new WeatherAll Color Viewer software is unknown, it is safe to say that any new tool which helps shoppers make a more informed and educated decision about their investment is a good thing. There is also word that other log home manufacturers will be creating similar software to highlight their own various types of stains.

Mountain Home Building Products offers solid wood siding, log home finishes, cabin stain,
rustic hardwood siding, chinking, caulking artistic antler castings and hand forged lighting everything for your Log cabin stain.

Build Your Own Hovercraft In A Weekend

Hovercrafts, also known as Air-Cushion Vehicles (ACV), are amphibious vehicles that move on a layer of pressurized air. Because of their unique design, they can cruise over virtually any surface: water, road, grass, snow and ice. As a result of their flexible nature, Hovercrafts have a great advantage in military applications, but they aren't just for the military. Lots of hobbyists love them too, especially since they are easy to build and with a good set of plans you can build a Hovercraft in a single weekend.

Some hobbyists prefer building and racing radio-controlled hovercrafts, which much like toy boats and helicopters, are controlled from a distance. But theres a lot more fun to be had than watching a small toy hovercraft fly around the local pond. You can actually build a hovercraft for yourself, and then get in it and take it for a drive. You can take your hovercraft for a nice leisurely cruise on the lake, or you can race your kids in the crafts you helped them build! If you get even more involved in hovercraft construction and operation, there are clubs to join as well so you can race fellow hobbyists and share building tips that will help you get more speed out of your craft.

And I have to say, Im a big klutz and even I managed to follow these plans without hurting myself or anyone else in the vicinity. On a weekend trip to my sisters, who happens to live near a lake, I made a short supply run to Lowes and then arrived on my sisters doorstep with plywood stacked up in the car. Her husband, myself and my brother put the Hovercraft together in less than a day and then spent the early part of the evening fighting over who got to use it next, so I think next time were going to try putting two more together so we can all race each other. Having done it once, Im pretty sure now I could just build the next one myself. The plans are easy to follow and well-illustrated for even a hardware newbie like myself to follow. And they really are just an incredible amount of fun. I'm actually looking forward to winter so I can try it out on the ice.

Want to build your own Hovercraft? Get a good set of Hovercraft Design Plans and get started on your weekend project. Convince a couple of friends to join you, and you can start racing them.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Cost of Remodeling

Being a homeowner you probably already know that remodeling your entire house will be expensive. There is no alternative around the money that you will have to spend in order to remodel your home. However, the most important consideration that you'll want to think about before remodeling is the rationale that you want to do so.

If you want to remodel because you want an enhanced environment for yourself and your family then the cost may be insignificant to you if you have the financial means to complete remodeling projects. On the contrary, if you are simply remodeling to increase the value of your house for when you sell it then you may not be that interested on spending every single cent you have just to update your house if you are not going to attain considerable returns.

Another important portion, though, is the thought of the total cost of everything. Cost is an especially important factor when remodeling the house, mainly because there are all sorts of things which could change the price.

For example, material that could be used in the wall that you are going to add-on to your house may have thought to have cost $4,000 by your home remodeling contractor, but if you found it at a considerably lower price then you may be able to save money in that area. However, the reverse is also true and more often then not expenses for materials and completing the job will almost always overshot the estimate that you initially received from your home contractor.

Get a Second Opinion

If you are really considering taking on the remodeling projects of your house then it may not to be a bad idea seek out second opinions when it comes to researching on how much everything will cost. You may be able to have a remodeling company come in from out of town to do the project on the weekend simply because they are cheaper than the remodeling company in-town, however, when you add in the cost of transportation to and from your location then it may not be a significant difference between the two companies.

On the same note, home remodeling is one of those areas where the price for one company may be completely different from the price of one company, even though they are situated in the same city. Obtaining several estimates for completing jobs is of utmost importance if you would really like to get the most value for your dollar.

Hidden Costs

There are also hidden costs that are typically always associated with remodeling your house. For example, not many people consider this to be a big problem, but it could cost hundreds of dollars simply for debris removal alone! Of course, your home remodeling company may be able to get it done cheaper than if you simply called around for prices, but this is just one aspect of the home remodeling business that homeowners need to be aware of!

All of these issues, though, are important when remodeling your entire house! By taking into consideration the cost of the materials, along with hidden costs, and ensuring that you cross-check each cost with several remodeling estimates, is of utmost importance when remodeling your home.

Did you find those tips on remodeling cost useful? You can learn a lot more about remodeling cost by visiting

The author of this article is Shin who is the webmaster of the site where he provides tips on home improvement.

Understanding Gothic Revival Architecture

Some architectural styles should never change. That's likely what many builders thought in the early 1800s when Gothic architecture was re-discovered. With its tall, looming lines and intricate facades, the style was as relevant and attractive then as it was in its original period between the 12th and 16th century. Many Gothic Revival structures throughout the united states have been carefully preserved, and new examples are always celebrated.

Gothic and Gothic Revival architecture is alwD84ays easy to identify. Buildings of this style often have high pitched roofs or spires, tall, narrow windows coming to a point at the top, exposed wood structural beams, and cross hatched decorative patterns. Because of its defining characteristics many people have the misconception that all gothic buildings are tall and narrow. In fact, some of the best examples of the style are squared or rectangular structures such as the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, and the Saint Clotilde Basilica in Paris - the Gothic tradition in these buildings is as apparent as anywhere else. Gothic skyscrapers built in the late 19th and early 20th century, particularly in New York City, may be responsible for the style's most common interpretation. The Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburg, is another beautiful example of tall, narrow Gothic architecture.

Gothic architecture is widely accepted to have begun in the 12th century with the Basilique Saint-Denis in Paris, where nearly all of the country's monarchs were buried. The style quickly spread across Europe, and was developed over several centuries, with the last high profile example being the Chapel at Westminister, built by Henry VII in the early 16th century.

Gothic architecture never died out completely, but resurfaced less frequently between the 16th and 19th centuries, while post renaissance styles were popularized. The literature of the 19th century helped as much as anything to revive interest in the middle ages, as authors like Horace Walpole began to celebrate the period in their works.

The Gothic Revival was in full swing by the early 19th century, and came to America in the 1830s. While the style re-emerged largely unchanged, it was now being applied to smaller structures like homes and commercial buildings, as well as in traditional settings. Gothic revival architecture remained popular in the U.S. until the 1870s, although, again, it never vanished completely. Aspects of the Art Nouveau style of the 1930s can be traced to Gothic and Gothic Revival architecture, and occasionally a gifted architect is able to channel the original style in all its unmistakable stark beauty.

Susan Zanzonico has a wealth of information for buyers, sellers, and investors in the Harding NJ real estate area. Visit her website for community profiles, property listings throughout the area, including homes in Madison NJ, and information on her extensive real estate services.

A Guide To Handyman

A handyman is a person who has a lot of skills that you may not even imagine. Most people cannot do all the jobs required for maintaining a house. We always look for some people who will do these little chores for us. For example, we look for a person to fix the shower or repair a broken cabinet. Little tasks like these will be on the list that we have on the door of the refrigerator. You may not have the time 2238to do such small work or you may not know how to fix them. In such circumstances, the handyman is the right person to just do that.

A handyman is competent and proficient enough to do those odd small jobs for you. Without him, you will find it difficult to maintain your house or your garden. Nowadays you hire a handyman through organized services that are available throughout the country. All you have to do is to contact a company offering such a service and request a handyman to do the task you want. When you approach a professional service you get a lot of benefits. The handyman who arrives at your home would be in proper uniform and arrives on time to do the task. Since they are company employees it is easy to track them and you get satisfactory service from them.

Some of the areas in which a handyman can work are maintenance of doors and fences, cleaning of gutters, maintenance of tubs and showers, and locks & deadlocks. Repairing the walls, decks, siding, grout and tiles can also be done. Odd jobs like pressure washing, weatherproofing, tile work, and some carpentry works can also be done through these professional handyman services. All you have to do is to call the company and tell the task that you want to be done. They would give you an estimate and you can request for the service. Payment can be made through cash, check or credit card after the work is completed.

Handyman provides detailed information on Handyman, Handyman Services, Starting A Handyman Business, Handyman Tips and more. Handyman is affiliated with Home Remodeling.

Articles 1

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gargoyle Bookends as Part of Mythology and Architecture

Gargoyles are most commonly associated with medieval lore but their use as architectural figures dates back to earlier times. Often seen as fierce looking faces, gargoyles are also seen as full figure characters. Gargoyle bookends are a reflection of the history and mythology that continues to fuel modern interest in unique nature of these unusual figures.

Gargoyles have been part of architecture since the heyday of the ancient Greek and Egyptian empires. Though gargoyles often have a fearsome appearance, their use is thought to be far more benevolent. The power to ward off evil spirits is a significant part of the mythological explanation surrounding gargoyles. Hellenic or Greek gargoyles are very often seen as happy or jolly characters and were a part of many public buildings. They could be seen mounted on the parapets of buildings or spewing water as part of a public fountain. Outcroppings on the facade of a building may have been used especially for gargoyles.

Many of these figures took the shape of animals, especially reptiles. Often dragon like in appearance, their gaze was usually facing down from the structure. In mythology and lore, dragons were thought to be the guardians of sacred places or great treasure troves. This contrasts with the more popular view of dragons as fierce and fire breathing creatures. Other animals such as birds of prey or the mythical Roc were the inspiration for many gargoyle figures.

Many styles of gargoyle bookends replicate these unique creatures. Gargoyle replicas are one of the most collectible types of bookends and statuary. Fans of Gothic architecture and lore are particularly drawn to gargoyle collecting. The history of the gargoyle even includes their use in religious settings, as adornments to some of the worlds great churches and cathedrals. The cathedral at Notre Dame in France is home to many gargoyle figures.

The history and lore of the gargoyle figures takes many forms. Gargoyles and gargoyle bookends may represent combinations of human and animal forms sometimes taking on the appearance of hooded monks and friars. Just as they may be used to ward off evil, they were thought to have other uses. Avoiding the wages of sin can be a powerful force used to keep people from straying into a life of eternal damnation. It is thought by some historians that gargoyles may have been placed in prominent view to remind people that Satan, or other supposed forces of evil, were all about and should be avoided.

Since many gargoyles appear with wings, they may very well have been the inspiration for the flying monkey characters seen in the movie the Wizard of Oz. Many dragons of myth were often depicted with wings and were though to be capable of flight, reflecting the myth of flying gargoyles. From the funny to the frightening, many other modern day film and cartoon monsters have been patterned from these legendary winged figures.

Whether collectors of gargoyle bookends are seeking redemption is certainly open to debate. Gargoyles do appear in many pieces of medieval artwork. They can often be quite scary in appearance and could be used to frighten away superstitious people. Given the wide variety of gargoyle shapes, many collectors may have more of an artistic motivation to maintaining their collections.

In addition to collectible bookends, today gargoyle figures stand vigil as yard ornaments, water fountains and various types of outdoor statuary. Even though warding off evil spirits may not be in your decorating plans, some interior design schemes benefit from the addition of gargoyles. Gargoyle bookends make the perfect the perfect gift for fans of medieval mythology and religious history.

Mitch Endick is a short article writer for the popular decorative bookend site: He provides interesting information buying and collecting decorative bookends.

Shaped Wood Shingle Siding

A Guide To Handyman

A handyman is a person who has a lot of skills that you may not even imagine. Most people cannot do all the jobs required for maintaining a house. We always look for some people who will do these little chores for us. For example, we look for a person to fix the shower or repair a broken cabinet. Little tasks like these will be on the list that we have on the door of the refrigerator. You may not have the time 2238to do such small work or you may not know how to fix them. In such circumstances, the handyman is the right person to just do that.

A handyman is competent and proficient enough to do those odd small jobs for you. Without him, you will find it difficult to maintain your house or your garden. Nowadays you hire a handyman through organized services that are available throughout the country. All you have to do is to contact a company offering such a service and request a handyman to do the task you want. When you approach a professional service you get a lot of benefits. The handyman who arrives at your home would be in proper uniform and arrives on time to do the task. Since they are company employees it is easy to track them and you get satisfactory service from them.

Some of the areas in which a handyman can work are maintenance of doors and fences, cleaning of gutters, maintenance of tubs and showers, and locks & deadlocks. Repairing the walls, decks, siding, grout and tiles can also be done. Odd jobs like pressure washing, weatherproofing, tile work, and some carpentry works can also be done through these professional handyman services. All you have to do is to call the company and tell the task that you want to be done. They would give you an estimate and you can request for the service. Payment can be made through cash, check or credit card after the work is completed.

Handyman provides detailed information on Handyman, Handyman Services, Starting A Handyman Business, Handyman Tips and more. Handyman is affiliated with Home Remodeling.

Articles 1

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bathroom Ideas

Are you looking for simple bathroom ideas that can make a big difference when it comes to appearance? Creating a newer looking bathroom does not have to involve replacing a bathtub or shower. Consider the following list of bathroom ideas to spruce up the style of your bathroom.

Replace old, outdated light fixtures. Add a new bath bar light above an existing mirror or change out an outdated flush mount for a small elegant chandelier.

Replace scratched or worn vanity mirrors. This is one of the great, relatively inexpensive bathroom ideas that can give your entire vanity area a new look. If youre not up to replacing the mirror, consider adding trim around the mirror that covers the worn areas that usually appear on the corners and sides.

Get new hardware for your bathroom cabinets. Replace outdated knobs and handles with more modern looking ones in an effort to spruce up your vanity.

Remove old tarnished faucets and handles and add newer, more modern looking ones. Do this for sink, shower or bathtubs faucets. This bathroom idea does require some plumbing work and can be more expensive than the other bathroom ideas mentioned, but the new look is well worth the time and money.

Consider a new floor. This can get expensive as well, but with some shopping around for the best prices and self-installation, the prices can be cut tremendously. Today, there are a variety of floor choices for bathroom flooring, and there is sure to be one that fits your remodeling budget.

Remember, you can create a newer looking bathroom without replacing major fixtures. With some creativity and guidance with the above bathroom ideas, you can enhance the look of your bathroom.

If you have enjoyed this article and would like to find more tips and ideas for creating the perfect bathroom for your home including information about steam showers, claw foot tubs, walk in bathtubs, and more, visit, to get all the facts and info today.

Round Wood Shingle Siding Over

5 Powder Room Ideas for Powder Room Designs

Powder room ideas can help you create perfect powder room designs. Another name for a powder room is the 'half bathroom' or the 'guest bath'.

The purpose of a powder room is to provide a place to groom while main bathrooms are being used in busy morning and evening times. And the powder room can function as a bathroom for guests so they do not have to use your main bathrooms. The most basic powder room designs include faucets, a toilet and a sink and mirror. Powder room ideas could include using a pedestal sink, a small corner-mounted sink or small sink/vanity with a mirror over the sink or vanity.

If your powder room will only be used occasionally, you do not have to be quite so concerned about the durability of the fixtures as in the bathrooms that are used frequently. You can pay more attention to the powder room's appearance, using more elaborate fixtures. You'll definitely want the powder room to reflect the architectural style of your home. You would not want to have a Victorian home with a contemporary powder room,F53 for example.

Here are five powder room ideas to consider for powder room designs:

1. Powder Room Designs and Square Footage - common dimensions of small powder rooms are 3x6, 4x4 and 4x5 feet, the size of a smaller closet or laundry area. You can easily find small bathroom fixtures designed for these sizes of powder rooms. Powder room sizes should be proportional to the square footage of your house. If your home is large, you may want to build your powder room with one or two sinks, more countertop space, tub/shower and ample storage space. Powder rooms designs with dimensions of 5x7, 5x9 or 6x8 are still modest, but they will provide you more room for storage and grooming supplies.

2. Locate the Powder Room Near an Existing Bathroom - another of the powder room ideas is to locate the new powder room near an existing bathroom. If your home has different floor levels, stack the bathrooms one over the other. This way, you will be using the same plumbing lines for both of the rooms which will save considerably.

3. Budget for Good Lighting - use both artificial and natural lighting if possible to avoid shadowy corners. A small powder room should have wall sconces, task lighting for applying makeup, general lighting and a larger well-lit mirror. If there's no window, consider adding a wall skylight or a roof skylight to allow natural light into the powder room.

4. Be Careful When Mixing Materials and Textures - small powder rooms should not have a lot of materials and textures as it can become overwhelming. Use light colors and surfaces to make a small powder room appear more open and larger. Avoid frilly curtains. Use light colors, small tiles and simple patterns to help your powder room appear more spacious.

5. Use Mirrors to Enlarge the Room - using mirrors along the walls can be an attractive way to widen the powder room. Mirrors will create a sense of openness in the room, making the space appear larger than it actually is. Mirrors will also enhance the lighting in the room because of the reflecting capability of mirrors.

If you decide to sell your home, adding a powder room can be a good investment as potential buyers will enjoy buying a home with ample bathrooms for their family and guests.

Planning is the most important part of powder room designs before you actually begin the work. Try to get a clear picture of your powder room design and look. Keep all your powder room ideas in a notebook as you accumulate them. Look at bathroom books and magazines, visit showrooms and show homes and search online for powder room ideas that you like. Above all, have fun as you create the powder room design that will provide you with a very special room to enjoy for many years to come.

Copyright 2006 InfoSearch Publishing

See examples of powder room products available online and read more about bathroom layout, lighting, storage, bathroom vanities, small bathrooms, childrens bathrooms and more. Olinda Rola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - a popular website for those who love homes.

Home Maintenance



Thursday, June 12, 2008

Deck Railing Plans - Visual Appeal Of Buildings

Materials Make Or Mar Deck railing Plans

The materials that you use for your decking materials, will ultimately decide if your decking plans are usable, doable and above all, useful to you or not. For example if you use a wooden railing where lot of water is being used (in garden, lawns and or near the swimming pool etc.), the wood can disintegrate over a period of time due water splashing on the wood. On the other hand, if you use PVC on a sun bathed patio, the PVC would start cracking after 2 or 3 years and you might have to replace it completely.

Choose Materials For Decking Railing Plans Carefully

Consider the following when you chose material for deck and railings.

The intended purpose of the deck

Frequency of use

Other possible uses of the deck

Surrounding areas and its general use

Safety considerations

Use of water on the deck or the surrounding area

Possibility of skidding or slipping due to use of water

Material used for decks

The material to be used have to be made long lasting so does not repeated expenditures on this count. The manufacturers of various materials have started giving guarantees for their materials for nearly 20 years now. This shows the confidence they have behind the product.

Your railing ideas contribute to the looks of your building by color schemes employed for the railings. Materials as the wood, PVC, aluminum, in combinations are being used for the decking railings.

Use Of Software Previewing Looks Of Railings

Computer software may also be used for looking at your future looks of your building after fitting the various components of deck railings like the posts, balustrades and other parts of the railing such as light fittings and decorative fittings. The color combinations of various components can be seen on the software and complete effect on the building can be seen by the user before the persons eyes and changed before the final decision can be made.

Adam Peters contributes adding articles on deck railing plans to one of his more successful sites;deck porch Andrew publishes designs and ideas for different deck railing designs. You can reach further articles and information of Adam about deck railings at his website


Things To Think About When Choosing A Jacuzzi Bathtub

Jacuzzi tubs have always been popular, and this popularity is growing as more and more people become aware of the wonders of a Jacuzzi tub and the effect of hydrotherapy to soothe tired muscles, relive stress, increase metabolism and improve overall health. However there are a few things to think about before choosing a Jacuzzi bathtub, including the design of the tub and how it fits with your overall decor, the power requirements, and the type of materials you can choose for the tub.

The first things that should be considered before choosing a Jacuzzi bathtub is the design of the tub itself and ensuring that it goes well with the general design of the bathroom. The tub will be a prominent part of the bathroom, and so it's essential that the color should the general decor. There also needs to be some consideration of shape and style. If you have a bathroom that is done is a modern style, then something with sleek, clean lines would be suitable. If the bathroom is in a more vintage style, then something a little more ornate should be considered.

When it comes to the power requirements of a Jacuzzi it is very important to ensure there is adequate power available to enable the massage jets to function effectively. A good rule of thumb is that there should be a separate pump for every twenty jets, and obviously this can put a strain on the power supply if it isn't adequate. A thing to remember is that it is probably a very good idea to hire a licensed contractor to install the tub to ensure that the electricity supply is up to standard and installed safely.

Jacuzzi bathtubs, like any other type of tub, are available in different types of materials. Many of these materials can add a unique look to the bathroom, but in terms of functionality it might be an advisable to go for the standard acrylic tub. Acrylic is not only naturally shiny, but also chemically inert and nonporous. An acrylic bathtub will neither fade nor stain. For more information on the different types of bathtub materials, see the resources at

Another option is the cast iron bathtub with porcelain. But this common bathtub material is quite heavy and also expensive. It can also be tough to clean. Other types of bathtub material that it may be wise to avoid is the synthetic cultured marble which can crack due to sudden changes in temperature. Similarly, gel coated fiberglass can stain easily and due to its dull luster is not particularly good looking.

A final thing to consider when choosing your Jacuzzi bathtub is what kind of optional extras you want to install. Jacuzzis nowadays come with a variety of additional features that make bathing more than a water-1119based experience. Some Jacuzzi bathtubs have LED matrix lighting that offers lighting effects, which can be programmed to provide chromo therapy.

Most modern Jacuzzis also come with an ozonator system, a natural disinfecting agent which decreases the usage of other chemicals to a good extent. Other optional features in some varieties of Jacuzzi tubs include a mood light, heater, and even a water-level sensor.

Carl Formby owns and operates, an online resource for helping you choose from one of the many Bathtubs available on the market today, especially Jacuzzi Bathtubs

Old Western Stairway

Make Small Bathroom Look Larger

Many of us wish that our bathrooms are a little bit roomier but wishful thinking won't increase even one square foot area. So, how can you make your bathroom look and feel larger without actually increasing the space. Here are a few tips to make your bathroom look more spacious.

1. Select light colors for the walls. Pale, soft, cool colors are best for a small bathroom and not bright, loud ones. Pastel tones, whites and neutrals all work wonderfully.

2. Floor color should also be light. If there is already a dark colored floor which you cannot replace, cover it with 5B2a light colored rug.

3. Bathroom tiles should be large. This creates a feeling of space. Wall tiles should preferably be extended up to the ceiling and it's advisable to line the edge of the ceiling with a border.

4. Remember to provide for enough storage space because if the storage space is not adequate, it will lead to clutter which makes small bathroom look smaller.

5. Install sliding doors in place of usual hinged doors.

6. It's better to avoid pedestal sinks as they don't provide storage space. Although they look cool, they are not suitable for a small bathroom.

7. Have one large mirror in the bathroom. It will reflect light and add depth to the bathroom. Don't go overboard with mirrors as one mirror is sufficient.

8. As far as lighting goes, use a countertop lamp or wall sconces. There are also other ways to bring light like skylights or larger windows.

9. Shower screens should be clear and not opaque since it gives a feeling of more space. Also it's better to have fully frameless shower screens so that there are no visual barriers.

10. Last but not the least, keep your bathroom neat and clean since a dirty and cluttered bathroom looks smaller than a neat one.

Daisy Simpson

To read more articles about home improvement especially bathroom and kitchen, please visit2CE

Wedge Shaped Stair Treads

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Solar Energy Advantages Disadvantages

Many of us know that solar energy is a good thing, but few really understand why. Therefore, I compiled a comprehensive list of solar energy advantages and disadvantages that will enable you to make an educated decision whether on not Solar Power is right for YOU.

Solar Energy Advantages

1. Saves you money

  • After the initial investment has been recovered, the energy from the sun is practically FREE.
  • The recovery/ payback period for this investment can be very short depending on how much electricity your household uses.
  • Financial incentives are available form the government that will reduce your cost.
  • If your system produce more energy than you use, your utility company can buy it from you, building up a credit on your account! This is called net metering.
  • It will save you money on your electricity bill if you have one at all.
  • Solar energy does not require any fuel.
  • It's not affected by the supply and demand of fuel and is therefore not subjected to the ever-increasing price of gasoline.
  • The savings are immediate and for many years to come.
  • The use of solar energy indirectly reduces health costs.

2. Environmentally friendly

  • Solar Energy is clean, renewable (unlike gas, oil and coal) and sustainable, helping to protect our environment.
  • It does not pollute our air by releasing carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide or mercury into the atmosphere like many traditional forms of electrical generations does.
  • Therefore Solar Energy does not contribute to global warming, acid rain or smog.
  • It actively contributes to the decrease of harmful green house gas emissions.
  • It's generated where it is needed.
  • By not using any fuel, Solar Energy does not contribute to the cost and problems of the recovery and transportation of fuel or the storage of radioactive waste.

3. Independent/ semi-independent

  • Solar Energy can be utilized to offset utility-supplied energy consumption. It does not only reduce your electricity bill, but will also continue to supply your home/ business with electricity in the event of a power outage.
  • A Solar Energy system can o5B4perate entirely independent, not requiring a connection to a power or gas grid at all. Systems can therefore be installed in remote locations (like holiday log cabins), making it more practical and cost-effective than the supply of utility electricity to a new site.
  • The use of Solar Energy reduces our dependence on foreign and/or centralized sources of energy, influenced by natural disasters or international events and so contributes to a sustainable future.
  • Solar Energy supports local job and wealth creation, fuelling local economies.

4. Low/ no maintenance

  • Solar Energy systems are virtually maintenance free and will last for decades.
  • Once installed, there are no recurring costs.
  • They operate silently, have no moving parts, do not release offensive smells and do not require you to add any fuel.
  • More solar panels can easily be added in the future when your family's needs grow.

Solar Energy Disadvantages

  • The initial cost is the main disadvantage of installing a solar energy system, largely because of the high cost of the semi-conducting materials used in building one.
  • The cost of solar energy is also high compared to non-renewable utility-supplied electricity. As energy shortages are becoming more common, solar energy is becoming more price-competitive.
  • Solar panels requir5B4e quite a large area for installation to achieve a good level of efficiency.
  • The efficiency of the system also relies on the location of the sun, although this problem can be overcome with the installation of certain components.
  • The production of solar energy is influenced by the presence of clouds or pollution in the air.
  • Similarly, no solar energy will be produced during nighttime although a battery backup system and/or net metering will solve this problem. See for details on how net metering allows you to save electricity and money.
  • As far as solar powered cars go - their slower speed might not appeal to everyone caught up in today's rat race.

To learn more about solar energy, go to

You'll discover ...

  • what solar energy is
  • how solar energy works
  • interesting facts about solar energy
  • how much solar energy costs
  • passive solar energy for homes, and
  • how to build solar energy systems

There's a whole section for students, teachers and parents; whiles homeowners can obtain FREE QUOTES for their solar energy projects. You'll find book and product revi2ABews some helpful energy saving tips.

Please email any questions to

Garage Beam With Post Framing

List Building Creates Leveraged Traffic

First of all, what is leveraged traffic? Leveraged traffic is traffic that you get in some multiple after you have created the initial traffic.

For example, I generate about 150-200 unique visitors per day, that are brand new visitors. Then, I use list building to leverage them several times over. By using list building, I can leverage that initial traffic into about 700 800 unique visitors per day. The way that it works is that instead of trying to sell someone something the first time they come to my web site, instead I offer them something free.

This entices them to join my email list, and then I can send them to my sales pages in the future. That way I can get up to 5 times as many hits to my web pages than if I settled for just the traffic to my site the first time.

And of course it will work for you.

One of the most important things you need to do (you can see an example of this at the end of this article) is to create a squeeze page for your web site, and drive your traffic to this squeeze page.

A squeeze page is a web page that has as its only function the opting in of subscribers to your email list. There should be no other outgoing links on your squeeze page. Someone should not be able to get into your web site through any means other than if they opt in through your squeeze page. The key idea here is that you are online to make a living, to take in an income, right?

So if someone will not give you even their name and email address, so you can build an online relationship with them, what are the odds that they will ever give you their credit card information?

You see, some people are trusting online. Some people are not trusting online. And you only want to deal with the ones that are trusting online. Period. And the squeeze page is an excellent method for screening out the trusting ones from the untrusting ones. Let the ones who will never by anything online, go to your competitors web site and eat up bandwidth and take all their freebies. I prefer to give my freebies to people who trust me enough to give their name and email address, and a certain percentage of them will buy from me on down the road.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Lower Stair Landing With Stringer

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Intercultural Team Building

Internal business structures have been radically transformed over the past few decades. Changes in areas such as communication and transportation technology and shifts towards global interdependency have resulted in companies becoming increasingly international and therefore intercultural.

In addition, the need to go global and to cut outgoings is demanding that companies combine protecting international interests whilst keeping down staff numbers. The solution in most cases has been the forming of intercultural teams.

As with all businesses, success depends upon effective cooperation and communication within teams. The intercultural dimension of todays teams however brings with it new challenges. Successful team building not only involves the traditional needs to harmonise personalities but also languages, cultures, ways of thinking, behaviours and motivations.

Intercultural teams have an inherent disadvantage. Cultural differences can lead to communication problems, unpredictability, low team cohesion, mistrust, stress and eventually poor results. However, intercultural teams can in fact be very positive entities. The combination of different perspectives, views and opinions can lead to an enhanced quality of analysis and decision making while team members develop new skills in global awareness and intercultural communication.

In reality this best case scenario is seldom witnessed. More often than not, intercultural teams do not fulfil their potential. The root cause for this is that when intercultural teams are formed, people with different frameworks of understanding are brought together and expected to naturally gel. Without a common framework of understanding, for example in matters such as status, decision making, communication etiquette, this is very difficult and thus necessitates outside help to commix the team.

Intercultural or cross cultural training is one method of helping to blend a team together. Through analysis of the cultures involved in a team, their particular approaches to communication and business and how the team interacts, intercultural team builders are able to find, suggest and use common ground to assist team members in building harmonious relationships.

Intercultural training sessions look at helping a team to realise their differences and similarities in areas such as status, hierarchy, decision making, conflict resolution, showing emotion and relationship building. These are then used to create mutually agreed upon structures of communication and interaction. From this basis, teams are then tutored how to recognise future communication difficulties and their cultural roots, empowering the team to become more self reliant. The end result is a more cohesive and productive team.

In conclusion, for intercultural teams to succeed, managers and HR personnel need to be attuned to the need for intercultural training to help cultivate harmonious relationships. Companies must be supportive, proactive and innovative if they wish to reap the potential benefits intercultural teams can offer. This goes beyond financing and creating technological links to bring together intercultural teams at surface level and going back to basics by fostering better interpersonal communication. If international businesses are to grow and prosper in this ever contracting world, intercultural synergy must be a priority.

Neil Payne is Managing Director of Kwintessential Ltd. For more information please visit

Bottom Of Upper Stair Stringer

Internet Presence - When And How To Start Building Yours

Personal Internet presence? Why should I care about a personal Internet presence? I don't want recruiters bugging me.

Unfortunately, this is what most people early in their professional careers think about a personal Internet presence.

Whether you want recruiters bugging you or not, isn't the point about being found on the Internet. The point is the world of business is changing rapidly, and the Internet is driving the change. The Internet is about access to, and the ability to communicate, information (i.e., there is a reason the Internet is called "The Information Highway").

The Internet is the go-to resource more often than ever to find answers to questions that start with: who, what, where, when, why and how.

Being associated with the answers is a good thing in the context of your own professional value proposition. Most certainly, just being associated with the answers isn't good enough anymore. You need to be visibly associated with the answers. In today's business reality, that means being associated with the answers via content that can be found on the Internet.

Again, so you ask, "I still don't get it. Why should I care?"

Answer: Most business professionals at all levels within corporate hierarchies are paid by employers, clients, and customers to contribute towards delivering results. How do we deliver results? We deliver results by solving problems: our employer's, co-worker's, client's and/or customer's problems.

It is becoming less and less common professionals spend their entire career working for one employer. Too many people let their careers happen to them. It is becoming every more important a professional take personal responsibility over their career advancement versus leaving it up to their employer to advance their career based on merit and/or opportunity.

Create an awareness of your ability to contribute to delivering results drives opportunity within and outside of your current employer. Create a buzz that causes people to say, "I want that individual on my team."

This is important when it comes to your next project assignment with your current employer. Being on the best projects often translates into the best pay, the best raise, and exposure to the next best project at your current employer let alone exposure to your next employment opportunity.

Consequently, employees need to be responsible for their own value proposition, their own brand image, their own PR. Too many professionals make the statement, "I'm not very good at selling and/or marketing myself." Getting good at selling and marketing yourself has high return on investment in the context of making the most of a professional career prior to retirement.

Leveraging the Internet to create visibility for your skills, abilities, and value proposition is actually simple no matter how early you are in your career.

Everyone is an expert at something. For individuals early in their careers, it is simply being expert at solving the problems and answering the questions you are faced with every day.

When you find yourself answering the same kinds of questions, or addressing the same category of problems, write them down. Then write about these topics, and publish them on the Internet in blogs or articles. Simply make sure you are being generic enough to make sure you aren't violating your employer's non-disclosure agreement.

Take it one step further and don't simply create Internet content. Actually learn how to create visible content people can find when they do relevant key word/phrase searches in Google and other search engines. The great thing about this learning curve is you don't need to be a technologist to learn and understand a few basic principles you can leverage to create visible content that effectively establishes your visible personal Internet presence. Anyone can do this.

Leverage content publishing sites:

Example: Networking platforms like Ecademy whose blogging content benefits from high ranking in search engines.

Example: Ezine publishing sites like EzineArticles whose article content benefits from high ranking in search engines.

Combine this with cross linking URLs within content you create, and building key word/phrase association in the search engines by hyperlinking key word/phrases to the URLs of the content you create.

Don't fail to leverage the Internet to create a visible value proposition. Take ownership of your brand image and PR. By implementing these simple principles, you'll be building a base of visible content, and as a result, a visible personal Internet presence that will propel your career beyond those who don't.

An expert in mission critical retained executive search, Ron Bates is a Managing Principal with the retained executive search firm Executive Advantage Group, Inc. (

Ron has also coached former SAP, E&Y, Oracle, WorldCom, et al. executives responsible for multi-billion dollar business units, and co-founded, a self-guided executive coaching process and resume development toolset.

As a recognized talent assessment, deployment and development expert, Ron has been an invited speaker at venues such as the Marketing Executive Networking Group, British America Business Council, Expert Connections, Business of Success radio, a regular on Netshare's "Ask the Coach", and most recently Ron's interview was included in Leadership Without Borders: Successful Strategies From World-Class Leaders, by Ed Cohen, 2007 John Wiley & Sons. With +34,000 direct on-line professional networking platform contacts, Ron has been referred to as "the most connected man on Earth."

For career info go to:

Hiring Help

Monday, June 9, 2008

Tips For Buying A Foreclosed House

A foreclosed house is a result of an individual or the previous owner of a particular house being closed to him and is unable or un-wanting to take his house back by releasing it after paying his dues on the mortgage.

The house is taken over by the financier, lender or the mortgager and put it up for resale to get the money back by reselling it through an auction or otherwise. The most common reason attributed to the existence of a foreclosed house is the unhealthy financial situation of the current owner.

Foreclosed homes are normally advertised in newspapers and local media. The real estate agents may also have some valuable information regarding foreclosed houses. Local and county courts would also possess information on foreclosed houses and can inform one about current deals.

Court auctions are usually the most profitable way to buying a foreclosed house. The risks of buying at a court auction are minimal when the house in question is foreclosed by a bank or the HUD (Housing and Urban Development).

Buying a foreclosed house is inexpensive compared to buying normal house. Discounts and differences can be anywhere between 15 to 50%. This enables a lesser down payment, facilitating an average buyer to afford a house in the booming real estate market. Financing these houses is also possible up to 100% in some cases.

There are advantages and disadvantages in buying a foreclosed house. The following issues need to be researched and calculated upon making a decision:

a. Condition of the house, the wear and tear and expenses involved in repairs would add to the cost. The responsibility of fix up would lie on the buyer in most cases.

b. Inspecting the house before buying is very important.

c. Once a house is bought and the deal is made, it cannot be reversed. So, it is important to make sure that the buyer is not burdened with a white elephant.

d. These foreclosed houses need not be necessarily empty. The residents therein are the current owners until the mortgager hands it over to you.

e. The condition of the house may be difficult to assess when a family is already residing there.

Make sure you take necessary care and obtain all pertinent information before buying a foreclosed house. If one is careful enough, realizing the dream of owning your home will be most beneficial by buying a foreclosed house. Only then would the discount advantage work your way.

For listings of real estate auctions, please visit

Wood Decking Isnt Your Thing

Modern Outdoor Furniture - More than Folding Aluminum Chairs

The calendar is busily at work, announcing to the world that summer is just around the corner. A wave of nostalgia washes over me. In my minds eye I am traveling back 50 years, going from snapshot to snapshot. We were a typical middle-class family living in suburbia. Everything was simple and people were happy.

Within this frame of happiness, we did a lot of things together as a family, using the best of the outdoors. No matter where my minds eye went, it seems to me that some form or another of outdoor furniture figured prominently. At the beach watching the waves. On our asphalt driveway, my father, following his weekly ritual of barbecuing while he and my uncle would cheer at the Los Angeles Dodgers game tinnily blaring from a transistor radio. Probably my favorite snapshot was sitting on our backyard patio, talking with my grandfather or just sitting there, watching him smoke his beloved cigars and thumb through his foreign language newspapers. We cannot forget the fabric and aluminum hammock taking the place of honor on our screened-in porch. What a haven that was. I read countless books while occupying that hammock, hiding from sweltering summer afternoons. It was such a treat when Mom allowed me to sleep there overnight when the heat was simply too much for a person to endure inside.

And what was the common denominating factor tying all these experiences together? Folding aluminum outdoor furniture. There seemed to be a folding aluminum chair tucked away here, there, and everywhere, from our garage to the far corner of our huge backyard.

Now, 50 years later, the array of outdoor furniture is positively staggering. The choices have metamorphosed from the basic aluminum folding chairs and chaise lounges to whatever your mind can conceive.

In the 21st century, outdoor furniture has become quite sophisticated. The materials used are endless. Do you want as chair of bamboo or of teak? Perhaps you might wish for a more countrified or natural look. Woods filling this bill include cedar, redwood, and maple. Or, in a flight of whimsy, you would like to experiment, using some very less known woods such as balau, ipe, jarre, or kempas which are known for their resistance to warpage and rot, are fairly hard, and have a fine grain. All of a sudden your backyard is no longer mundane but filled with all sorts of textural and visual delights.

How about metal-based lawn furniture? At one time, metal chairs were made of aluminum. That was your sole choice. Rather in a rut? Now, not only is basic aluminum used; it is available in extruded, cast, and wrought forms. It is such a popular metal because of its exaggerated lightness, and is so strong it is used in the construction of jets, as well as being corrosion resistant and durable. Wrought iron is another popular material for outdoor furniture. It is lovely to look at with its intricate filigree work but horrendous to lift because of its tremendous weight. Once a piece of wrought iron furniture has been set in its place in your yard, it is wise to plan upon leaving it there permanently unless there are mitigating circumstances.

The last major group of materials that might be of interest in the construction of outdoor furniture is truly miscellaneous. It is here that the design of your furniture is only limited by your dreams. Plastic or vinyl give a casual look, decidedly appropriate for use around your swimming pool. Inflatable vinyl can be blown up to make child-sized chairs. Beanbag chairs can be fun, too. Wicker is slightly more formal, depending upon which plant material is used in the weaving. Benches can be made from concrete but again, once they are placed, it is doubtful you will want to rearrange them. Hammocks can also add a different look, from tropical to being simply fasted between two trees, swinging gently in the breeze.

See much more on outdoor furniture at Outdoor Furniture. Terry Kaufman is also Chief Editorial Writer for and

2007 Terry Kaufman.

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