Monday, June 30, 2008

Right Cabin Stain for Them

When most people go out and begin the shopping process for a log home, the log cabin stain that they choose isn't usually at the top of their list of priorities. But a new software program from one of the leading log cabin stain manufacturers is helping people realize the importance of picking the right stain for their home. WeatherAll, one of the largest log cabin stain makers in North America, have developed a program called the WeatherAll Color Viewer that adapts itself to the various log cabin homes sold by a manufacturer and then allows browsing customers to view all those homes with a multitude of stains.

Not only is WeatherAll hoping that this new software helps sell more of their top flight stain, but they also hope that it helps to raise awareness among home shoppers about the importance of choosing the right stain. Certain log cabin stains don't have much needed UV protection from the sun, and customers need to know this information before they commit to the stain they like. With the WeatherAll software, customers can easily see the log home of their dreams in dozens of different stains with just a click of a button. It has opened many eyes in the log home industry by highlighting the fact that many shoppers are more concerned about square footage, floor plans and price than what stain they choose, but as any owner can tell you, your stain makes or breaks your home.

Log cabin stain not only determines the final color of your beautiful new log cabin, but it also helps to protect your home from bugs, sun, wear and tear and other pests. Many owners realize that choose the right stain is one of the most important decisions they will make concerning their home, and with the new WeatherAll Color Viewer software, more and more home owners will have the chance to see virtual depictions of what their home would look like with a myriad of stains before it is even built.

While the long term impact of the new WeatherAll Color Viewer software is unknown, it is safe to say that any new tool which helps shoppers make a more informed and educated decision about their investment is a good thing. There is also word that other log home manufacturers will be creating similar software to highlight their own various types of stains.

Mountain Home Building Products offers solid wood siding, log home finishes, cabin stain,
rustic hardwood siding, chinking, caulking artistic antler castings and hand forged lighting everything for your Log cabin stain.

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