Saturday, March 14, 2009

Got Your Tankless Water Heater Yet?

Haven't Gotten Your Tankless Water Heater Yet?

Well, I'm not sure what's stopping you. My tankless water heater is one of the best appliances I've ever purchased and installed. It's one of those types of things you end up asking yourself "Why didn't I do this before?" Every day I look at my new water heater I'm amazed by it. Let me enumerate the reasons:

I'm amazed by its size. I have an electric Titan tankless water heater and so help me it's only slightly larger than a yellow pages phone book and it's no more than about two and a half inches thick. There are no moving parts except for a control knob on the front of the unit. Remarkable.

I'm amazed by its power. How something so small can produce an ENDLESS amount of hot water without the fear of running out, regardless of how many back to back showers we take, is way, way beyond me. I'm sure the propane and gas tankless units do the same. And I live in New Hampshire and have well water that's COLD! Maybe it's because I'm so accustomed to seeing five foot high monoliths that were required to do the same task. It's a 60 amp, 240v system. Piece o' cake.

I'm amazed by its cost savings. I immediately noticed a 30% reduction in my electric bill after replacing the TWO pieces of junk that were there cycling on and off 24 hours a day. With this water heater it only calls for electricity when the unit calls for hot water. Not a second sooner. And there's no need for wrapping it in an insulation blanket either because there's no standing water that can cool down only to need to be reheated. Imagine what savings you'd find with your gas or propane water heater.

I'm amazed by the ease of installation. I used PEX for the plumbing, wired it myself to its own 60 amp breaker using six gauge wire and the whole process took less than 2 hours. It would have taken less time, but, I'm not a plumber or electrician by trade. Since there's no joints to sweat using PEX, everything was just snap and go. The Titan tankless water heater is just mounted on the wall. Almost like a painting. No bulky tanks to move around and no need for reserving a large space for it.

I've got my tankless water heater installed. And though mine is made by Titan you can also get great units from Bosch, Rinnai and Takagi just to name a few. So, when are going to install yours?

There's whole lot more of information about tankless water heaters out there besides what I've written here. Check it out at:

Simple Light Switch Replacement

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