Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Computer Virus Repair Help

Viruses happen. They've been around for years and unfortunately that doesn't look like changing. What happens when you need to do a computer virus repair?

Of course, you should be running up to date anti virus software at all times.

But occasionally a virus will still slip through - an update fails, the anti virus software company launch a new version that causes your current one to stop getting updates or you've just plain ignored the "you need to update" messages.

So what do you need to do when you need to perform a virus repair on your computer?

If you're not already running an up to date virus removal program, install one now. Most of the programs around can cure most viruses for you when they detect that you've got a problem. If you've got a boot sector virus you may not be so lucky, but otherwise there's a good chance that they can help.

Unplug your network and internet cables. Disconnect from your home wireless network before you cause any damage there.

Then run the anti virus program, following any virus disinfection prompts as they appear.

Once that's been done, reconnect your internet connection and if necessary update your anti virus software with the latest virus signatures and then re-run the software.

With luck, you've now repaired any virus infection you may have had.

Next, make sure you keep it that way.

Get Windows Security Center to advise you when there problems with your virus repair software. If you're running XP or Vista, you'll find the Security Center in your Control Panel (or just search Help and it will point you in the right direction).

Check your virus repair software settings. Make sure that the virus signatures are regularly updated so that you keep any potential future infection safely out of harms way.

Get a free virus diagnosis tool to check whether your computer is at risk from viruses.

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